Example sentences of "which [be] [verb] [prep] our [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think that anyone could contemplate a retrospective of Matisse without the involvement at least of the four central institutions which are collaborating on our exhibition : the two Russian museums ; Paris and ourselves .
2 This creates a signal in the auditory nerves which are interpreted by our brain as the pleasing notes of an orchestra .
3 These changes occurred particularly in diagnostic services , which were excluded from our analysis .
4 Rule-following as a practice must therefore be able to carry on without anything to support it , and we must attempt to wean ourselves away from the feeling of vertigo which is engendered by our recognition of the lack of support .
5 In practice we distinguish between the external cause of a rhythm , which is caused by our life-style or environment , and another internal cause , which we might say is due to a clock within our body .
6 Each of us lies somewhere on a spectrum of ability to show feeling which is reflected in our behaviour .
7 He is committed to developing the character of Christ in our lives , most of which is accomplished through our interaction with other people .
8 Despite this , when we first learn about her it is her ‘ bossy female voice ’ which is brought to our attention , as well as the low esteem with which the boys apparently regard her , ‘ Faff off Audrey Parton ’ .
9 Er which was kept in our custody .
10 ‘ Well , then your outraged mother leapt into the car which was loaded with our luggage because we intended to be off to Urbino that morning , and apparently she decided on some kind of hara-kiri or felo de se , a consummation of our marriage devoutly to be wished but never performed .
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