Example sentences of "which [pron] will [verb] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 On a personal note , this is the last issue of Q magazine which I will edit as I 'm leaving ICI soon .
2 If you are talking to people you will talk in a quite different mode from that which you will adopt when you 're writing .
3 The standard is really an aberration of the natural form — a manufactured monstrosity albeit a beautiful one — and , as so often happens when man confines , restricts and changes the shape of plants , there is an inherent structural problem , which we will discuss when we come to aftercare , pruning and feeding .
4 I say nothing more about this example — except to report that ( in my experience ) it guarantees the wholehearted attention of a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year olds even first thing on a Monday morning — and turn now to the misleading signposts which we will find as we travel in search of English .
5 And including in that travel time , must be the congestion which they will face as they approach Leeds which which already is er a difficult problem .
6 Instead of concentrating on the lines of the dance — which they will need if they ever dance in Ashton 's Symphonic Variations or Monotones , MacMillan 's Requiem or Bintley 's Consort Lessons — students spend more time loosening up to meet the demands of modern choreographers .
7 In recent years there has been a move to teach young people in residential care practical skills such as cooking and budgeting which they will need when they leave care .
8 Having taken better care of it than Besty , or more accurately Besty 's hangers on , he invested some of it in a Sydney sports shop a few months ago , which he 'll run when he retires .
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