Example sentences of "which [pron] have [vb pp] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Wendell stared down at the glass of brandy which someone had put into his hands .
2 In addition we are still receiving enquiries about prisoners featured in the first two series in 1988 and 1989 , and we have recently received a copy of a letter from Alattin Sahin , the Turkish prisoner of conscience in the 1988 , which someone has received on his release .
3 The memory of that puzzling experience still disturbed and excite And then there were her bare feet in the stream and the tadpoles round her ankles , the cherry blossoms which she had thrown in his face , and above all the walk upon the airfield : there was magic there all right .
4 ‘ So this king , ’ wrote Sir Thomas Gray , ‘ led a gay life in jousts and tourneys and entertaining ladies , until the lords who had been disinherited in Scotland for the cause of himself and his predecessors made supplication to him that he would restore to them their inheritances which they had lost on his account and allow them to take their own measures . ’
5 He knew that he would be rash to expect everyone to obey him all the time ; he had secured the Moghul throne for himself by the skill with which he had played off his brothers against one another , and he distrusted most of the people around him .
6 Accordingly an injunction against the defendant fulfilling any contract with any person named on a card index which he had obtained from his former employer was discharged , the court saying it was bound to limit the period to one year at the longest .
7 Then he visited his friends — too often for their good for he held to his heathenism with all the tenacity with which he had clung to his beloved Wallowa Valley ’ .
8 Major General Sir William Dornberg received the pencil-written despatch in the town hall at Mons which he had made into his headquarters , and where he had transformed the ancient council chamber into his map room .
9 In that year , represented in Paris by Francois Cothereau , ‘ hautbois du Roy de France living on the rue St Marguerite , parish of St Sulpice ’ he sold to his brother Jean ( ‘ hautbois du Roy living in this city of Paris , rue des Fosses , St Germain des Pres , parish of St Sulpice ’ ) land in La Couture which he had inherited on his mother 's death in 1669 ( document 3 ) .
10 In 1691 Martin sold a house in La Couture , which he had inherited from his father in ] 689 , to his brother-in-law Louis Hotteterre , ‘ player of hautboys and other instruments living in the said city of Paris at the end of the Pont Marie Therese ’ ( document 4 ) .
11 All these statements are best treated as being theoretical models , which are built up by Freud on the basis of the types of emotional relationship which he had observed during his work with patients and conceptualized in a terminology of his own .
12 Despite several inconsistencies with the account which he had given in his November testimony [ see pp. 39191-92 ] , he steadfastly refused to accede to the growing demands for his resignation .
13 Showbusiness and sporting stars had donated items for the auction and a sweatshirt given by Ian Botham which he had worn during his charity walk from Aberdeen to Ipswich fetched £33 .
14 If he showed them the latest Washington telegram which he had seen before his departure [ KPs 66 and 85 ] , they would have been made aware that although they had to exercise the utmost restraint for the time being , a new and firmer policy might soon be adopted .
15 Wunis , a young oil company official , was to some extent moved by indignation about the deceitfulness of the government ; he was also perhaps self-consciously applying those notions of good efficient management which he had gained from his oil company training : decisions about expenditure have to be made in a context of opportunity costs , of an overview of expenditure as a whole .
16 In the final months of his life Atwater expressed remorse for some of the methods which he had employed during his career .
17 He had ended his own life , but in the cold had remained crouched , his hand resting on the hilt of the blade which he had pushed into his heart .
18 Another veteran communist politician , Santiago Carrillo , secretary-general of the PCE from 1960 to 1982 , effectively retired when on Feb. 15 , 1991 , he signed an agreement providing for the integration into the PSOE of the small Partido de los Trabajadores de España ( Spanish Workers ' Party — PTE ) , which he had formed after his expulsion from the PCE leadership in 1985 [ see pp. 34183-84 ; 35527 ] .
19 Davide skipped the list of signatories and went on : ‘ The late Don Antonio 's interest in the thought and teachings of Pythagoras led him , the family allege , into heresy , and ultimately in his last days , into dementia praecox , aggravated by the debilitating epilepsy from which he had suffered since his middle years .
20 Whatever the views of Shinwell and others about the lies which he had told about his previous career , he was evidently unsurpassed as a demagogue and agitator .
21 The inquisition also excludes holdings in Middlesex which he had passed to his younger son in 1271 and the lands he is known to have acquired in Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire and which are later found in the possession of his family .
22 He listed his experience as a fourteen-year-old ‘ irregular ’ in Ireland and his knowledge of the ‘ rudiments of Musketry , Bayonet Fighting and Squad Drill ’ which he had acquired during his four months of under-age service at Worcester .
23 Very small , with a brusque , hectoring manner , his only relaxation was playing the flute , which he had modified in his workshop .
24 Thanks to this shrewd advice the Spanish state , the sole beneficiary of Dali 's will , has inherited 183 paintings and hundreds of drawings , photographs and other objects — besides his house in Portlligat and Pubol castle , which he had bought for his wife Gala .
25 The Family Reunion , about which he had spoken in his letter of 30 December had opened in March and lasted only five weeks .
26 However , Mosca in later life came to recognize the virtues of representative politics , which he had mocked in his youth .
27 And there was a second and even more admirable fantasy in which he had knelt at his father 's side , had pressed his clenched fist hard into the groin , quenching the spurting blood , had whispered reassurance into those dying eyes .
28 The main source of his harassment was that , instead of the simple and dedicated obedience which he had paid to his monastic vows for over thirty years , he now had a confusion of claims on his attention .
29 We inspected everything , from the plumbing arrangements to the cornices and architraves , entirely ‘ new ’ ideas which he had gleaned from his trips to Europe .
30 But Shearer 's 69th minute penalty , which he had earned through his own persistence , enabled Southampton to record their sixth successive league win .
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