Example sentences of "as they [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There was little need to hurry over breakfast , because even by nine o'clock there is barely enough light to see fine details , but shortly after nine the first starlings arrive for their morning meal , shoving and squabbling as they line up on the washing line to watch for the first human activity .
2 There was a soft double-thump as they piled up on the panels .
3 Although the skirt panels look perfectly flat when seen on air , in reality they follow varying angles to the original base vertical planes , bending ever so slightly as they rise up from the fender section to join up at the midriff .
4 As they walked up towards the main road , he was surprised to see her turn round to wave at the policemen as if they were old friends .
5 A burst of applause greeted caddies and players as they walked up into the arena .
6 In addition , as they go up through the school , pupils , whether visually handicapped or not , will increasingly be required to undertake independent study involving looking up references and using graphic information such as charts and diagrams .
7 They were ugly and ungainly , but necessary , Blackadder thought , as they sprang up like the heads of the Hydra , two to solve in the place of one solved .
8 As they came up into the May morning he hopped over the ditch and skipped into the long grass as blithe as a squirrel .
9 As they came up to the warren bank he suddenly caught sight of Fiver .
10 She said coolly as they came up to the stuffed spaniel , ‘ What do you call him , that very fierce dog ? ’
11 As they came up to the gates , Aziz sidled up to the little boy with his mop , an ingratiating smile on his face .
12 They finished their drinks and as they got up from the table Fernando plucked a sprig of jasmine from the pergola .
13 A common method for collecting dream reports is to ask people to keep dream diaries — to write down , as soon as they wake up in the morning , any dreams that they can remember .
14 As they drove up to the house Constance thought that it looked very dark and silent .
15 As they drove up to the main door Louise tried not to be emotional .
16 As they trudged up to the top of a sand-dune , Seal Sands Lock was there below them .
17 John Shaw , a geographer from Queen 's University , Ontario , argued in a recent issue of the US journal Geology , that enormous volumes of glacial meltwater must have burst forth from the Canadian ice sheets in cataclysmic floods as they broke up at the end of the Ice Age .
18 Gradually , as they stole up to the Belmont stockade , Dulé distinguished different sounds — the fierce explosions of musket fire , the shrieking of the attackers , the yells and shouts and curses and groans of fighting men , their voices thick with fury , the different languages reduced to meaninglessness by the struggles , as men grappled , stabbed , battered , poked at one another 's eyes and even bit one another in the combat at close quarters ; while at a distance the screams of rage and pain merged with the volleys of musket fire and the singing of the arrows .
19 The place looked heart-wrenchingly familiar , yet in several respects changed too , for as they pulled up below the main steps the first things she noticed were the banks of geraniums and polyanthus cascading over the balconies and frothing down either side of the entrance .
20 ‘ Right , constable , you can report in now , ’ Bragg said , as they pulled up at the end of Bartholomew Close .
21 As soon as they pulled up in the courtyard of Broom House , Joanna jumped out and said jubilantly , ‘ Mr Jarvis has been putting me through my paces with regard to pigs .
22 ‘ And mind out , ’ Ma Bombie warned them as they lined up outside the classroom .
23 ‘ Piece of cake , ’ Nails agreed as they lined up for the first time on the pool edge .
24 The wheel gathered momentum as they rose up to the top : balanced , it seemed , on nothingness for a precarious second , then plunged , in a stomach-churning dive , back to earth again .
25 Just as she had expected , there were lights still ablaze as they drew up before the house .
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