Example sentences of "as he have [vb pp] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Sensibly , but with some sensitivity , her boss made the same points to Muriel as he had made in his reference , asking her at the same time if these conflicts had ever arisen out of the office with family friends or neighbours .
2 He was keeping to the awnings , and a passing squall , just as he had foreseen on his departure from Dolmetta that morning , approached from the interior and sailed grandly overhead , steeping the baked stones of the port in a blissful freshness for an interval ; the snails would be coming out , he thought .
3 Proceeding much as he had done with his houses , Edouard first refurbished them .
4 He continued to practise photography as a hobby until 1887 , taking an ‘ unalloyed enjoyment of the art ’ , much as he had done with his drawing and engraving .
5 AS HE HAD DONE after his return from Italy , Wolfgang settled down once more to life in Salzburg , mitigating the tedium of his official duties — albeit on improved terms — at the archbishop 's court with a clutch of compositions .
6 He slipped into the obscurity of retirement , after more than thirty years in the Corporation , in much the same way as he had operated during his entire working life : unobtrusively .
7 And when the grandson left school , ‘ I worked in my grandfather 's boat just as he had worked in his grandfather 's …
8 When at last a reluctant taker was found he asked to be recalled almost as soon as he had arrived at his post .
9 Indeed , on Saturday afternoon , as he had relaxed with his team-mates at their hotel hideaway he had confided : ‘ I 'm due to score , I want to score , I feel it in my bones that I will score . ’
10 All this while the company of the Cid were preparing all things to go into Castille , as he had commanded before his death ; and his trusty Gil Diaz did nothing else but labour at this .
11 Charles Henstock privately thought that Dulcie was poorly named — neither sweet nor gentle , and very quick to use her horns on unsuspecting visitors , as he had found to his cost one wet day .
12 Carson had only just put the phone down after trying to get Alison 's number from Enquiries , but as he 'd waited for his call to be taken he 'd thought of her , perhaps contemptuous of his anxiety and annoyed by his persistence , and he 'd hung up without even making his request .
13 He may use a gymnastics ball , resting on a table , to practise trunk movements , as he has done during his treatment sessions .
14 Male homosexuals in a large number of cases , says Freud , do not give up the mother and find another woman as sexual object , but they identify with their mother : ‘ he transforms himself into her and now looks about for objects which can replace his ego for him and on which he can bestow such love and care as he has experienced with his mother ’ .
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