Example sentences of "as he [verb] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Faldo still enjoyed a three-stroke cushion , but the pumped-up Australian resembled an executioner as he hacked away at the Open champion 's lead .
2 She twisted her head to catch the coroner 's eye as he scowled across at the innkeeper who was busy gossiping to the other customers around the great wine barrels .
3 Colonel Smith had been the thief , with Trent 's habit of loyalty as the accomplice ; the Latinos were merely the instruments , Trent thought as he looked across at the thick shape of Pedro Gomez seated on the windward side of the cockpit .
4 She stepped back a pace and watched as he looked across at the Fiesta then at the house once more .
5 The cold crept up his body as he clutched fruitlessly at the insubstantial wood .
6 Angel 's fingers drummed angrily on the steering wheel as he gazed moodily at the long , straight road ahead of them .
7 Through each performance he would stand at the rear of the audience , his arms crossed and his head sunk down into his body as he peered intently at the stage .
8 One per over per batsman is the ration , with a bouncer being defined as a ball passing over the batsman 's shoulder as he stands upright at the crease .
9 But his secretiveness extended to not even telling them that , and they had to be content to accompany him as he turned left at the foot of the steps that led up to the station entrance and headed for the quays .
10 As he turned left at the Platz der Einheit and north on to the Otto Buchwitz Strasse he explained what he wanted her to do .
11 And then he was there , singing , his dark hair falling over his face as he plucked passionately at the strings of the guitar .
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