Example sentences of "as i [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sister Paul would pretend not to see me as I hung about outside around the staffroom to see her pass by for the third time that day .
2 However , conditions for the time of the year seemed favourable and I was in hopeful mood as I rowed carefully out on the meadow side to a drop-off at about 70 yards I knew to be there .
3 ’ Not me , ’ I told her as I struggled painfully up from the pouch-seat .
4 Now as I said way back at the very beginning , the greeting and appropriate sociability will set the scene if it 's too short or too long it will doubtlessly alienate the whole process but you can see the domino effect you but you can see the domino effect you
5 As I came up out of the trough , the wave was pouting out a lip like the deck of an aircraft carrier .
6 As I dragged reluctantly along past Mrs Smith 's house who should come out , deep in conversation with Mrs Smith , but my Dad .
7 The big , light-hungry leaves were almost black now as I walked briskly back along the path searching for the track to take me back to the lodge .
8 A girl of about Xanthe 's age bounced up to my side as I walked slowly along in front of the grandstand , and said , ‘ Hi !
9 As I walked forlornly around on my own , I could hear fragments of different conversations wafting over the music :
10 I relived the murder as I walked back home through the streets .
11 I 'd repeat my name — and as I got really far from shore I 'd say ‘ Ng ’ or ‘ Adolph ’ — to try to bring me back inside myself .
12 The A fifty nine has a number of constraints upon it , including best and most versatile agricultural land , its its difficulty of assimilating a new settlement , but as I say most importantly for highway reasons .
13 As I start forward out of the shadows I feel an arm of steel across my chest .
14 The road worsened as I edged gingerly down along the country 's sunken spine , vanishing at times in coils of thick black mud .
15 But I can not abandon my identity now as I did so freely in those days of my youth .
16 By then she was talking to my back as I headed downstairs again to the communal phone on the wall .
17 Now clearly a teaching approach which goes against the grain of natural disposition will create needless difficulties for the learner , as I pointed out earlier in reference to translation and the focusing on form , but it does not follow that pedagogy must therefore simply accommodate that disposition .
18 She was sitting on her heels with a pin in her mouth , eyeing me with pity as I stood yet again in my mother 's wedding dress .
19 On this occasion , in fact , a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder ; a reply to the effect that those of our profession , although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites , did actually see more of England than most , placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered .
20 ‘ Right , sir , ’ Doone said , as I stood up out of the car , ‘ we 've done nothing here so far .
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