Example sentences of "as it [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Our Vauxhall suffered from an annoying fifth gear whine on a trailing throttle but the engine 's hard-edged yet effortless snarl as it wound out to the 6600rpm cut-out is a far more satisfying sound than the Chrysler four .
2 At six-thirty Kegan passed her taxi as it swung out across the courtyard .
3 The main emphasis here will be on the City Code as it relates directly to the conduct of companies in relation to the Stock Exchange .
4 Strolling , they pondered public education versus private schooling ; Johnson wondered why boys from England had been sent as far as Aberdeen to be educated , with ‘ so many good schools in England ’ , and they went back to the New Inn , to be joined there by Sir Alexander Gordon , an old friend of Johnson 's , who had sent a card in advance , and through Boswell we join their conversation as it drifts back to the stocking-making .
5 After the cover had popped off on 31 January , the infrared detectors recorded their first observation : a fluctuating signal due to the receding cover as it spiralled out of the telescope 's view .
6 This is Atlantic water , which originates in the north Atlantic Ocean at a temperature of 2°C and salinity of 35 ppt , and cools almost to 0°C as it circulates slowly about the ocean basin ; its salinity remains high at 34.9ppt .
7 TUNA : Tinned tuna , as long as it goes straight into the sandwich after opening , is virtually bug-free .
8 Oh it will change again as soon as it goes round to the , to the three four one again er y you do n't see it changing it but
9 The semi-set jelly has a deliciously seductive , viscous quality as it trembles briefly in the mouth before slipping , fragrant and alcoholic , down the throat .
10 Rennie Hamilton came from behind the counter of the village store and picked her way across a floor that was crowded with display stands and boxes , craning to catch a glimpse of the Rover and its occupants as it sped on past the hotel and towards the lake .
11 As it sped groundwards through the Arcadian skies , the escape pod began to roll .
12 " And how often did you get good roast beef like this down at Sir Gregory 's , Miss Jennifer ? " he asked , helping himself to a generous dollop of honey and making patterns with it as it streamed down onto the slab of red meat on his plate .
13 Derived from the Indian reel , with extensions to allow the line to run free as it spools out with the ends spinning in the hands , the plastic reel is to be recommended .
14 The dusky pink body is heavily patterned with golden-yellow spotted scales , this spotting diminishes in prominence as it progresses down from the dorsal area to the belly of the fish .
15 This cobbled route is still a joy to follow ; the top half of it , as it curves down to the church and the river , lined with sober houses built from the local cocoa-coloured stone and dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries — datable precisely in some cases from the inscribed lintel stones ; then the church , seventeenth-century and disappointingly dull ; the old bridge over the Nive , which is the place to look up — and downstream , at the houses built along the banks with their projecting wooden galleries ; and then on towards the Porte d'Espagne , past the shops and more very decent old houses .
16 In so far as it reached out beyond the rather eccentric sect of the Comtist ‘ Religion of Humanity ’ , positivism became little more than a philosophical justification of the conventional method of the experimental sciences , and similarly for most contemporaries Mill was , again in the words of Taine , the man who had opened up ‘ the good old road of induction and experiment ’ .
17 ‘ They got off the train , jumping as it went slow under the Sallins bridge .
18 Rincewind found that he was now hanging onto the end of a tongue of bark and fibre , lengthening as it peeled away from the tree .
19 Warning lights flashed on the suit 's shoulders as it lumbered slowly to the airlock outer door .
20 As it occurs only in the males it has been suggested that it is somehow employed in male-to-male rivalry .
21 Furthermore such a construction does not sit easily with subsection ( 3 ) which preserves the common law as it existed immediately before the Act which undoubtedly gave parents an effective power of consent for all children up to the age of 21 , the then existing age of consent : see Gillick 's case [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 , 167C , per Lord Fraser of Tullybelton , and at p. 182E , per Lord Scarman .
22 The end of the bridge was clearly visible as it grew out of the far bank , and needed only a couple of rafts to make it complete .
23 But in fact it was the docking crew as a whole who were at fault , because the platform 's progress towards the support cradle should have been halted as soon as it passed completely through the field , so that earthing and other safety procedures could be instigated .
24 I did n't try the grilled Greek halloumi cheese with pitta bread , but as it passed by on the way to another table I rather wished I had .
25 The bird 's darting eye sought his frantically before it glazed ; he thought as it twitched about on the hard dry clods that he might break its neck to bring its death throes to an end .
26 Shafts of bright sunlight pierced the smoke as it welled up from the eaves and spread across the roof in a fine blue film. , Kāli came out into the doorway with a plate of puris and a small bowl of oil .
27 Mattan and the yellow jersey were right in the middle of the pack as it peddled hard in the blistering heat .
28 The barrage initially had been aimed at the civilians but Maj Waters said as it got closer to the convoy , two trucks had been damaged .
29 A bird slid past , wings soughing as it planed down towards the water below , darkening now with the beginnings of a breeze .
30 As it came away from the cold flesh , so she cut it into strips , and she wrapped each strip of skin around a piece of bone .
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