Example sentences of "as she [verb] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She tried to cheer up as she drove on to the ferry because — having caved in instantly and completely when Cara had asked ‘ Would you let me down — now ? ’ she had ensured that Cara could fly to Barney certain of one thing , if nothing else : that , her word given , she would not let her down .
2 The station was practically empty of people and Emily felt so alone as she stepped on to the train .
3 As she stepped on to the tongue of buckled metal , Bernice looked back .
4 ‘ Twelve o'clock ! ’ he called out as she stepped on to the pavement ; then he was gone , the little green car melding into the rest of the traffic and rapidly becoming lost to sight .
5 The building might be old , but this was no cheap accommodation , she observed as she stepped on to the landing .
6 Lindsey gasped as she stepped on to the deck and was hit by a wave of cold air .
7 ‘ You need your eyes tested , ’ she said to herself finally as she trudged on up the steps , the melting ice-creams dripping all over her fingers .
8 When Perdita last saw her as Victor 's bimbo in 1981 , Sharon 's hair had been dyed the colour of strawberry jam , her splendid breasts had floated like beachballs out of her skin-tight polyester dress and her six-inch spike heels must have terrorized any lurking moles as she tripped on to the Rutshire pitch at treading-in time .
9 Humming absent-mindedly along with the music on the radio as she sped on through the night , Shannon pursed her lips thoughtfully .
10 Viola was beaming benevolently as she read on into the last column .
11 Her mother , Jane , rushed forward to greet her as she emerged on to the arrivals concourse at London 's Heathrow airport , while her nephew John ( 12 ) and niece Jessica ( eight ) leaped into her arms .
12 And , as she climbed on to the train , she was glad she was going home .
13 As she turned on to the dual carriageway that ended only a few miles beyond Naas , the rain spat against the windscreen .
14 There 'd be no happy ending to this story of the handsome prince and the beautiful princess , she thought as she sank on to the bed .
15 Trish shuddered as she collapsed on to the chair opposite Caroline 's .
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