Example sentences of "as he [vb past] [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 He heaved himself up , out of his day-dreaming as he had out of the bath , and took out his stamps .
2 As he went out of the shelter , he saw two people with a barrow , a man and a woman , he says .
3 ‘ I 'm seeing my way right now , ’ the driver told me , as he came out of the bar , followed by the landlady .
4 As he came out of the lavatory , Ian slammed the bathroom door behind him and went past in a wave of Old Spice .
5 ( ii ) No , he was arrested as soon as he came out of the water .
6 As he came out of the Chapel , his sons stood back to let him pass .
7 On the Tuesday morning he was whistling as he came out of the front door .
8 As he came out of the shelter of the square into the main street he was caught unawares and almost swept off his feet .
9 As he came out of the hotel , prepared for a buffeting , he was aware of the change .
10 Lambert stumbled as he came out of the adjutant 's office , and collided with two airmen .
11 ‘ Yes , as he came out of the conference , ’ I said without a word of a lie .
12 There was bright blood running down Nogai 's left arm as he rolled out of the way and , when he scrambled to his feet again , his expression was less confident .
13 It shows this air crew just as he baled out of the aircraft less his parachute harness which he had abandoned on landing .
14 Sure enough , they soon saw Mait , as he rushed out of the other side of a grotto they were just entering .
15 He put in another , and turned off his torch as he stepped out of the cupboard .
16 There was no smile on his face now , however , as he stepped out of the site of the Reconciliation — known euphemistically as the Retreat — to find Dowd sitting perched on a shooting-stick a few yards from the door .
17 Maria did n't need to look at his face or see the confident way he carried himself as he stepped out of the lift with her .
18 As he stepped out of the elevator and strode towards her , she felt her heartbeat do a funny little dance .
19 It stung the roof of Francis 's mouth as he got out of the car .
20 And so am Ah , ’ he added , slapping me on the back as he got out of the car .
21 He did not see her at all as he got out of the car and Jenna had the chance to observe him without the dark eyes pinning her quizzically .
22 ‘ There we are then ! ’ said Downes , as he got out of the car and faced them , his face beaming with an almost childlike pleasure .
23 ‘ Your father 's expecting us , ’ Damian Flint drawled as he got out of the Mercedes .
24 As he got out of the van he heard a soft purring and felt the warm caress of a cat rubbing his legs .
25 For a moment , as he looked out of the window , his mind became clear again and he thought : " My God , the sepoys are attacking .
26 As soon as he looked out of the window on the morning after he arrived ( he tells them ) and saw what the place was like , he realized that it was based on the tutorial system .
27 ‘ Hell ! ! ’ said Tom in amazement as he strode out of the room .
28 He smiled broadly and he turned from her , munching at the buttered scone , and as he walked out of the back door he heard the sound of a car coming on to the gravel in front of the house .
29 Looking grim as he glanced out of the small , bedroom window , Bodie nodded .
30 He stopped talking as he glanced out of the window .
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