Example sentences of "as it was [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In the village of Portlethen , some 15 miles outside Aberdeen , the main line station was closed many years ago as it was said to be uneconomic .
2 In the period since the Second World War , political stability , economic growth , and a broad societal consensus , meant that the constitution as it was , as it was said to be , and as it was said it should be , were all seen as of one , pulling together in mutual support in a way that called for " no change " .
3 Simply expressed , the set-up as it was , as it was said to be , and as it was said it should be , had all pulled apart in a way that called for change .
4 Frequently , a claim by an employer based on breach of confidence has failed as it was perceived to be an attempt to prevent the employee from working in the same field by offering his skill to another employer .
5 Its membership , appointed for renewable four-year terms , has grown over the years and has proved , as it was intended to be , a useful sounding board , especially as it quickly subdivided itself into specialist groups of experts on specific topics — in which , in fact , most of the work of the Committee was to be done .
6 Discerning Greeks like Thucydides ( i. 10 ) knew that the relative splendour of the physical remains of Sparta and Athens was no index of their real strengths : suppose , he says , that the city of Sparta were to become deserted , future generations would find it hard to believe that the place , an old-fashioned , higgledy-piggledy collection of villages , was really as powerful as it was represented to be ; whereas if the same were to happen to Athens , one would think that she was twice as powerful as she really was .
7 They tried to show that the very notion of private property , far from being an ‘ inalienable right ’ as it was stated to be in the American constitution , was , in fact , itself a product of certain unique economic , technical , and social conditions , and it was therefore reasonable to expect that this notion , like others , would be superseded when the associated relations of production changed .
8 The captain ordered the carpenter and his mates to standby , as it was going to be necessary to cut the masts away to lighten the ship .
9 Bukharin understood better than most that Stalin 's mania — as it was shown to be — for breakneck industrialisation was to bring many years of misery and suffering to all the Soviet peoples .
10 However , as it was found to be the lack of care which followed the loss of a parent , rather than the loss itself , which explained the child 's increased risk of depression in adulthood , the same vulnerability can be expected to result from lack of care in intact family homes ( Harris et al. , 1986 ) .
11 If he had had his way , he would have stayed in Wilson 's house all day long and as it was managed to be there a good half of it .
12 Sensational media and police reports in 1989 seemed to suggest an increased use of ‘ crack ’ among young people in parts of south London , Liverpool , and Birmingham — with attendant fears that this particularly dangerous substance might become widespread , as it was reported to be in parts of the United States .
13 Because people refused — and still do refuse — to live life as it was meant to be lived , in happy friendship and obedience to God , evil is present , not only in our world , but within us all .
14 Then up here in my studio , without a word being spoken , everything came back plainly into view , as it was meant to be .
15 It was a degrading experience ; as it was meant to be .
16 Penelope lay among them , eating the cold leathery pizza — surely not quite as it was meant to be ? and drinking sweet tea .
17 A Scottish engineer called Fleeming Jenkin pointed out that the fact ( as it was thought to be ) of blending inheritance all but ruled out natural selection as a plausible theory of evolution .
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