Example sentences of "that be the [num] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 After all , there seems to be no point in spending many hours carefully making someone a set of pink designs if that is the one colour they ca n't abide !
2 as we could , as I was talking to our group yesterday well , now that is the one game they set out to make a , your partner unconscious by shaking the brain inside the skull and that 's what exactly what they 're doing .
3 That is the one thing they are commanded to do together ( in the Hebrew the verb of verse 8 's ‘ tell the rock ’ is in the plural ) which the story does not mention their performing .
4 When I think of what the ‘ ideal ’ look is for a girl , I always imagine it as someone looking happy , and that is the one thing I know I do n't look .
5 That is the one thing I will never offer any woman again . ’
6 That 's the one poem I — ’
7 ‘ Because that 's the one chance you 've got of coming through this whole thing alive .
8 Though that 's the one place I would n't recommend if you want to keep well away from the red tide . ’
9 ‘ I know it all sounds good , ’ she says , ‘ but what I want most of all is to spend more time with my little girl — and that 's the one thing I ca n't do at the moment . ’
10 That 's the one thing I am sure about . ’
11 well , that 's the one thing I 'm expert at , yes , so , so says my birthday card
12 I 'd never seen it before and that 's the one time I 've seen it .
13 And that was the six-seven counting Mendez-who left Sweetmary that Tuesday , August 12 .
14 But , close as they were , that was the one subject she 'd never felt able to broach .
15 And though the visit could have given him an opportunity to kill his father , and then drive down the next day to discover the body , that was the one crime which every logical motive screamed against .
16 That was the one thing he was n't going to have .
17 It would have been sensible to stay where I was until daylight , but that was the one thing I was determined not to do .
18 That was the one thing you warned us to be careful on , so that the benefit
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