Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [pron] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Half the racing world seemed to have embraced the occasion , for which after the last race that afternoon there had been much speedy unrolling of glittering black and silver ceiling-to-floor curtaining , transforming the workaday interior of the grandstand into something ephemerally magnificent .
2 ’ The magazine Harvard Lampoon , in fact , presented Dustin with The Wilde Oscar : ‘ to that performer who has been willing to flout convention and risk worldly reputation in order to pursue artistic fulfilment ’ .
3 As he told Lahr : ‘ Up to that point I 'd been brittle and arch with Halliwell , because I sensed his inwardness and his desire not to talk .
4 At that moment it had been appropriate to put big pickets you know I think if we thought too much about it we would have and taken it to the lodge and put it through the union it would have had cold water put over it and you know it was right for Tom to be wary and it was probably right for us to do what we did I mean I think you know it it was successful the way it turned out .
5 That night there had been much wine at dinner and Flavia , though far from drunk , felt warmed , free .
6 On that occasion he had been ten years old As children between the wars , Yanto and his friends spent most of their Summers out in the estuary between tides .
7 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
8 Earlier that day there had been dramatic scenes in Tirana 's central Skanderbeg Square as protesters toppled a huge statue of Enver Hoxha , Albania 's hardline Stalinist leader from 1944 until his death in 1985 .
9 As the shop manager pointed out , it was the third time that month she 'd been late for work , and if they had n't needed her to turn up on time , they would n't have hired her in the first place .
10 That woman who 's been good to you , would she have her if you asked ? ’
11 When , quite soon after the funeral , seeing how calm she was , he had imagined that possibility he had been surprised at his reluctance to believe it .
12 Since that time they have been selectively-bred throughout the world to produce the 100 or more different varieties that are available today .
13 But by that time there had been two centuries of strife between Empire and Papacy and the Empire no longer had any special connection to the City of Rome .
14 Since that time there have been several studies with more modern radiotherapy techniques and fractionation to minimise complications and maximise symptom control for advanced cancers .
15 Since that time there has been active US lobbying among other Western nations against signature .
16 However in the mid 1970 's a position detection scheme which used the motor windings as sensors was proposed ( Frus and Kuo , 1976 ; Jufer , 1976 ) , and since that time there has been steady development of the basic idea .
17 I was quick to snap her up before you changed your mind she was n't right for national accounts at that time she 'd been good in the groups role
18 At that time he had been able to write to Lanfranc to ask if he remembered anything about these transactions .
19 by that time I 'd been involved with .
20 When I retired four years ago , I decided I would like to help and encourage other people to paint , and hopefully get as much pleasure form the hobby as I do , and since that time I have been able to meet up with groups of friends and pass on to them the knowledge I have gained through the pages of your magazine .
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