Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb -s] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I categorically deny the two other statements attributed to me in quotation marks : particularly that which implies that I think the doses must have been higher than those reported by the MoD .
2 An extreme view opposing the ‘ market fundamentals ’ or ‘ true-value ’ approach is that which argues that it makes no sense to talk about an inherent value of a share .
3 To make sure that you know , they 've got to understand we police it from that which means that you go over
4 I wish to be relatively uncontroversial about these definitions , although I realise the great philosophical problems involved in any description of I for instance.3 The indexical meaning is that which exists when we have ascribed referents to those discourse elements suggested by the symbolic meaning of a term .
5 That 's what I said to that Ann , be able to get something on that somebody says that they have n't said it and be able to play it back to them .
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