Example sentences of "as [v-ing] a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 So today the needs of the mentally ill and handicapped are seen as demanding a wide range of facilities : homes , centres , clinics and so forth , served by doctors , nurses , teachers , psychologists , psychotherapists , speech therapists and residential care workers , linked by a body of trained social workers and placed within a tolerant , accepting and truly caring community .
2 The multiple choice format can , in this case , be thought of as demanding a similar sort of thinking to that required when checking an answer obtained by measurement or calculation to see if it is sensible .
3 It is possible to read some of the writings of Marx and Engels as suggesting a mechanical succession of stages , following one after the other , or it is possible to seen in their work , concentrating on other passages , a less determinist view of progress .
4 As well as including a wide range of subjects relevant to the study of accountancy , the course includes a practical computer workshop in each year of the degree .
5 Since the development of the plate tectonics model , the Andes have sometimes been regarded as representing a classic example of the orogenic consequences of the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath an overriding continental plate .
6 This document read as follows : That we , as representing a large number of the women compositors of Edinburgh , feel that a question affecting a considerable body of women should not be settled without these women having an opportunity of giving expression to their views .
7 The fundamental question in these cases is whether the taking of a benefit by a person through his or her crime would be unconscionable as representing an unjust enrichment of that person .
8 The patterns hinted at in the data on the post-assessment engagements with clients could be construed as revealing a greater sense of purposefulness in the work undertaken .
9 The judges , for their part , came increasingly to regard the law as embodying a legal limit of forty-eight hours , after which any detainee had to be brought before a court .
10 There are other elements in Campbell 's thought : he seems to think that the most perspicuous model of the mind to employ in understanding human knowledge sees the mind as embodying a structured hierarchy of functionally characterized capacities , each of which works in a way analogous to natural selection ; and he defends his view as part of a ( reductive ) explanation of how the capacities comprising human rationality have evolved .
11 In a religiously-divided country such as the Netherlands , trade unions had been formed in a period of strong Protestant and Catholic religious revival when a socialist trade union movement was regarded as implying a secular view of society .
12 It is significant that Queen Pu-abi herself was richly provided with the material , which featured in her head-dress hung around with gold-bound discs of lapis lazuli , as well as forming an important component of her choker and infilling the cloisonné decoration of her finger-ring .
13 In doing so I wanted not to reduce , say , Gide 's or Fanon 's defence of difference to the limiting historical conditions of its articulation — the first as merely a sexual tourist , the second as developing a homophobic theory of Negrophobia .
14 While stressing that nothing in the circular should be taken as condoning a wilful breach of planning law , there is a highly significant qualification :
15 Integrity is flouted not only in specific compromises of that character , however , but whenever a community enacts and enforces different laws each of which is coherent in itself , but which can not be defended together as expressing a coherent ranking of different principles of justice or fairness or procedural due process .
16 We can recognise animals or birds as exhibiting a different degree of consciousness from our own .
17 So , for instance , a birth would in all instances have been rated by Holmes and Rahe as entailing a high degree of change .
18 It was widely regarded as presaging a new era of more co-operative meetings between the leaders of the two governments .
19 Having a wardrobe of fragrances is as exciting as owning a vast array of stylish clothes ( with the advantage , after you 've made your initial choice , that perfumes always fit ) .
20 Yalta was condemned by many afterwards as marking a Western betrayal of eastern Europe , as grave as Munich in 1938 : Roosevelt , in his eagerness to secure world peace , was duped , it was said , by Stalin .
21 He also likened the tripartite event to a three-ring circus characterising HP as juggling a wide assortment of mis-matched architectures , hardware and software and DEC as a magic act with more illusions than Siegfried & Roy .
22 Like some Greek-speaking liberal Jews , the early Christians read the prophets as foretelling a universal mission of the Jews to illuminate all peoples .
23 I think I 'm going to splash out on reverse osmosis , which should remove all the water-borne nasties in one fell swoop — as well as providing a decent cup of tea .
24 The growing population of ‘ Dinkie ’ couples ( dual-income no kids ) was also noted in chapters 7 and 8 as providing a booming market of house purchasers .
25 As well as providing a useful way of looking at people 's response to the Earth through the physical structures which have survived , and as a way of interpreting legend , the Spectrum of Response is also a framework into which we can fit our own relationship to the landscape .
26 The trend line drawn through the peaks of the time-series can be regarded as providing a rough estimate of the economy 's potential output during the period .
27 This saving is used to acquire and manage a portfolio of assets which yields a sufficient return to pay pensions and insurance claims , as well as providing a working rate of return for the financial institution .
28 Scottish Literature 1 also studies narrative as well as providing a general survey of literature by Scots .
29 Subsequently what had been no more than a name implying a certain diplomatic affiliation between the Franks and Valentinian must have been interpreted as providing a genuine indication of the origins of the Franks .
30 Next week we spell out what they mean for you as well as providing a full list of all the candidates standing for election .
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