Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [vb past] [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 However , this sensation evaporated as soon as I looked out of the window , when I realized how imprisoned I was by my ignorance , which Aisha seized upon , exploiting the fact that I did n't know how to flush the toilet , work the shower , turn on the oven or boil the electric kettle to make tea , and that I could n't understand what her older child or her next-door neighbour said .
2 I heard a noise one night , like several motorbikes roaring down the road , only it was coming from above , and as I looked out of the window there they were — three red exhausts in the sky , blinding along a parallel course a few feet above the roof tops .
3 As I looked out of the window I noticed that frost was forming on cars .
4 As I looked out of the window into the black emptiness , I wondered about the great mystery of death , and thought of Helen Burns , who was so sure her spirit would go to heaven .
5 snarled this sharp-faced old fellow as I stepped out of the kiosk .
6 A cordon of stagehands appeared from nowhere and surrounded me as I stepped out of the car .
7 As I stepped out of the boat and walked up the beach , I noticed that although the sun had been very hot , the air suddenly seemed cooler .
8 Philip implicitly dismisses the value of his own reflections on the ugliness of modern London with off-hand self-ironizing comments which imply that he too is a product of the intellectual dissipation he criticizes : ‘ Life , I said with startling originality as I stepped out of the bus in my mackintosh , is like that ’ ( 307 ) .
9 I got a taxi as soon as I stepped out of the back door .
10 As I gazed out of the window I could see several groups of red deer in the distance , and in the foreground the brown ferns with clumps of heather here and there ; it was a wonderful sight .
11 As I came out of the church with the dead flowers from Emily 's grave , I saw three other families walk past me .
12 As I came out of the water he stood and said , ‘ We will take the boat and go to Petrocaravi . ’
13 Danielle was all smiles in the arms of her beloved nanny and much to my distress did not have the good grace to shed a single tear as I walked out of the door and out of her life … for a whole day .
14 As I walked out of the ward and round the red screen I felt as old as Humber and as worried as she was about my not yet having been fully trained .
15 As soon as I got out of the house , I was told by our neighbours where my father was hiding , but I realized that if I went to speak to him , some SS soldier might follow me and arrest him .
16 As I got out of the car he was coming down the steps of Skeldale House and he put a hand on my arm .
17 He said : ‘ As I got out of the car I could smell the gas . ’
18 I knew I had to get away quickly , and as I ran out of the kitchen , I saw Hindley attack Heathcliff .
19 I felt very much the wallflower as I crept out of the room without speaking to anyone , my books held tightly against my chest in a way which , I was to learn , was feminine and wrong for a man .
20 ‘ Nothing , ’ I replied as I scrambled out of the trench , replacing the diary quickly in my hip pocket .
21 The eldest of the group who moved towards me as I jumped out of the van was no more than thirty .
22 The other customers retained their normal appearances and did n't seem to notice anything odd about Mr and Mrs Smith , who were still boars as I backed out of the shop carrying the bags of groceries .
23 ‘ You 're a cheerful bastard right enough , ’ I replied , as I climbed out of the trench .
24 As I climbed out of the trench I glanced to right and left ; other Commandos were now scrambling out of their trenches .
25 As I pulled out of the court car park into the road afterwards , I was almost rammed by some genius in a gold Capri .
26 The lorry-driver jumped down as I leapt out of the mini and ran to the black car .
27 As I clambered out of the trench and made my way across to Brigade H.Q I could see the jeep with the stretchers on top waiting at the entrance to the orchard .
28 The German mortars were exploding on the other side of the wood as I clambered out of the trench and made my way through the trees in the direction of the road .
29 I was rubbing my eyes as I clambered out of the trench .
30 As I clambered out of the trench and sat on the grass with my back to a tree he handed me a mess-tin full of very tasty Machonachie stew which I soon polished off .
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