Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [verb] be in the " in BNC.

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1 I think I was then as near to hysteria as I have been in the whole of my life .
2 But on 30 October the regents once more affirmed the rights of the Crown : they ordered Hugh de Neville , the Chief Justice of the Forest , to cause the royal forests to be kept by the same metes and bounds as they had been in the time of King John before the war between him and his barons .
3 It seemed like an excellent opportunity to put himself to the test , see if his reflexes were as finely honed as they had been in the old days .
4 In time , she hoped that some theatrical Producer would see to it that Shakespearian plays were performed on the cliffs again , as they had been in the nineteen thirties .
5 As last season illustrated , Neath were nowhere near as good as their Champion status indicated , nowhere near as good as they had been in the seasons of extraordinary success that preceded the advent of the leagues .
6 But in addition , when they reached Lyons , the king 's messenger told Anselm that the king would not allow him to return to England unless he promised to observe the customs of the kingdom as they had been in the time of Rufus .
7 Mary 's reign witnessed a spontaneous renewal of enthusiasm for the local celebrations banned under Edward , and Corpus Christi processions , Whitsun ales , May games , and the decking of churches once more became as common as they had been in the last years of Henry 's reign .
8 Anderson does not deny that kin probably continued to be the main and the most reliable source of aid for migrants into the expanding towns , as they had been in the rural communities ( mostly in Lancashire and Ireland ) from which the migrants came .
9 Modules were built in the early 1980s in much the same way as they had been in the late 1960s , with little technical or organizational change .
10 Potential inferences which were disconfirmed by a later statement were invariably rejected , and inferences which were neither confirmed nor disconfirmed were falsely identified as often as they had been in the neutral condition .
11 In no circumstances was the bulk of the Labour Party prepared to be allied with groups which were clearly not as influential as they had been in the past .
12 Bright colours were no longer confined to the ‘ fun ’ shoe as they had been in the Seventies .
13 Both the American and British governments are cloaking these new operations in a shroud of secrecy though it is unlikely any politician has the slightest idea what the two agencies are planning to do or that they even care if laws are broken as they have been in the past .
14 We pay attention to those salient features which are constitutive of the type of genre , and expect that the peripheral features will be as they have been in the past .
15 A thorough overhaul of the educational process will ensure that standards remain as high in the future as they have been in the past .
16 And erm so I do n't think the issues of affordable supply are quite the same as they have been in the past and I think it 's a very relevant consideration for this particular structure plan .
17 We need to recognise that some letters will take longer to answer that public loos will not be as fully attended as they have been in the past .
18 The British attitude to Europe remained as functional and piecemeal as it had been in the time of Ernest Bevin after 1945 .
19 This was quite as true when Tabitha Jute met Marco Metz in Schiaparelli as it had been in the days of the Big Step , years before she was born .
20 Although the number of recorded offences in that decade was not as high as it had been in the 1950s it is nevertheless an important trend .
21 When challenged to say what was on his mind , he replied that he had been wondering whether it would ever be given to him to make France great again , as it had been in the days of Charlemagne .
22 Looking around the bedroom , she saw that it was almost exactly as it had been in the photograph , although now there was a book open and face downwards on the patchwork quilt .
23 Pop was no longer a community of youth as it had been in the sixties , nor a means of changing society , but a meaningless marketing exercise which deserved to be exposed for the charade that it was .
24 And that the reality of her love was as it had been in the wood : she should never marry anyone else , whatever happened .
25 This large parish now had two Anglican churches but Nonconformity was as pronounced as it had been in the seventeenth century .
26 The aggregate demand component of an inflationary process , , no longer exerts an independent influence on the rate of inflation which is , in principle , separable from that of the expectations component , , as it had been in the Friedman ( 1968 ) version .
27 President Nyerere of Tanzania ( as we shall see in greater detail later ) has taken the view that , in a country faced with problems of poverty , ignorance , disease and underdevelopment on a gigantic scale , press freedom should be limited just as it has been in the liberal democracies in wartime .
28 It seems that it is of continuing importance for women to be able to call upon relatives to assist them with child care , and that this still is a key element in women 's organization of their daily lives , as it has been in the past ( see for example Roberts , 1984 ) .
29 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
30 In other words not to provide for a continuing level of migration as it has been in the past .
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