Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 As I dragged myself back to the Duck and Forceps , I suddenly felt a strange empathy with the great Mike Channon .
2 ‘ It was supposed to be in my hair , ’ she told him as she followed him through to the spacious kitchen , deciding honesty was the best policy in the circumstances .
3 Leonora felt very subdued as she followed him down to the relatively peaceful little beach of Lee Haven , where years before Joshua Probert had built a safe anchorage for his boats .
4 He attended without wavering as she took him round to the head of the little dale , above the cottage , pointing out the hare 's field below them as they went .
5 But her eyes were fail of pain as she led me through to the lounge .
6 Bedelia said as she bustled us off to bed .
7 And finally as she hauled herself on to the ice-slick rock where the sun pulsed fire into her eyes , she saw
8 Before she could answer he pulled her close again and any thoughts of answering fled as she gave herself up to the excitement .
9 A sigh escaped her , and as she gave herself up to the pleasure of his embrace her arm rose to entwine about his neck .
10 As they lifted him on to a stretcher and then on to the jeep the blanket slipped away from his shoulders revealing his red hair and a very white arm covered in freckles .
11 Exactly , and as they took him back to his room , not his cell , but his room , he turned to my , my mate who was with me and said er , I do n't want an operation I like having sex with little girls , he said now I 've got two little girls and I had to turn and walk away
12 Lizzy was so far gone by this time that she just smiled at them as they took her out to the meat wagon .
13 Mr Wood reported to me that his servants had never seen such splendour and , as they carried it up to my rooms — where it sits safely ! — they felt like pirates from the Spanish main , he said , hauling off the booty ! ’
14 In the kitchen the fire was burning low but there was light enough to see the steam rising from the bedclothes as they held them out to air .
15 You listen to his gruff voice giving orders to his crew as they row him out to his ketch .
16 It seemed like a minor miracle when she found herself seated within touching distance of the small group of musicians , until she realised that Rune was well-known here , not only by the management but , as the current number drew to a triumphant close , to the players as well , as they drew him on to the low rostrum and surrounded him with much back-slapping and laughter .
17 Thereafter the company of the other horses kept him on course , and a bad mistake at the water jump on the second circuit worked to Mandarin 's advantage , as it put him back to fifth place and gave him horses to follow .
18 The government is now washing its hands of the industry as it hands it over to a rigged market which will leave very few pits in Britain and the destruction of an asset which the British people asked the government to save and which the government said they were going to save .
19 Those were the facts , as far as he knew them up to this moment .
20 Now , " he said , placing a creaky arm across my shoulders as he led me through to the parlour , " I want you to meet Vron . "
21 ‘ You 're a bit quiet , ’ said Meredith as he drove her back to Rose Cottage that evening .
22 With some wild , unplanned , unfocused idea of shaming him with feminine helplessness , she stayed mute as he drew her into his arms , and remained passive as he gathered her up to him .
23 ‘ Keep it ! ’ she blazed as he tossed it on to the terrace by the front door .
24 A mixture of fear , at being touched by a man at all — and something else , quite different — swept through Sally-Anne so that she began to tremble as he walked her through to the parlour .
25 ‘ Nico , ’ she 'd sigh , as he drew her down to the sand , ‘ my Nico . ’
26 He was particularly adept , this one , at stopping a forward bursting through from the line-out with a startling iron-hard thrust from his stump as he pulled him on to it with the other …
27 ‘ My cousin is something of a wine connoisseur , Mr Tyler , ’ said Miss Amy Hall as he escorted her in to dinner .
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