Example sentences of "as [prep] [Wh adv] they [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Forming ourselves into a studio group for the purpose of the East End Open Studios meant tracking down over 55 possible participants , with tips from neighbours , friends and even the local milkman as to where they might be found !
2 It is also no surprise that there should be fierce debate within the Community as to when they should be allowed to do so .
3 ‘ Staff would welcome a timetable as to when they will be told how they will be affected , so that they can plan for the future , ’ he said .
4 Examples of pay-as-you-go include the National Health Service , the Armed Forces , the Civil Service and teachers , although it is somewhat of an anomaly that the pension schemes of Nationalised Industries , e.g. British Coal , British Rail , are in fact externally funded , when there is no clear rationale as to why they should be .
5 Other planned savings were attacked because they were bereft of any specific proposals as to how they could be achieved ( such as the planned reduction of $1,500 million in farm subsidies ) , or were derived merely from a change of financial practices .
6 The skills required to do this work are varied and often complicated and , more importantly , there is uncertainty on the part of teachers as to how they should be taught .
7 Given the rambling terms of reference , and the clash of opinion between its members as to how they should be interpreted , the Commission would have faced a bumpy ride at the best of times .
8 It is clear that science will advance more efficiently if theories are so structured as to contain within them fairly clear clues and prescriptions as to how they should be developed and extended .
9 There was virtually universal acceptance of the proposal to include core skills in the new qualifications , although we found a wide diversity of views as to how they should be incorporated .
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