Example sentences of "as [pron] is [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This method could probably be applied widely , as it is not limited to strong photodissociating systems and does not , like absorption , require a third state to which excitation is caused in the probe step .
2 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
3 So the English village is neither as immemorial nor as unchanging as it is conventionally believed to be .
4 HyperSparc is Cypress ' Mbus-compatible alternative to the Texas Instruments Inc superscalar SuperSparc chip ( or Viking as it is often referred to ) , which Sun Microsystems Inc is using in its new generation of Sparcstation 10 systems .
5 The possibility of conflict is reduced because of the expectation of the continued availability of the increment to avoid the questioning of the existing budget ( or baseline as it is often referred to ) .
6 Strauss 's annotations of Hofmannsthal 's libretto are discussed in detail , as is the harmonic structure of the opera which Gilliam identifies as tonal , thus supporting others ' views that Strauss 's next opera , Der Rosenkavalier , was not such a change of tack as it is often represented to be .
7 This gave the BDN , as it is commonly referred to , the chance of reaching a readership beyond the ranks of the BDDA , and the new paper under its editor Kenneth McDougall , the BDDA 's Chairman , took full advantage of this opportunity .
8 This is not , as it is sometimes believed to be , a matter of crude protectionism ; it is a measure of Japanese difference , and has to be recognized as such .
9 Section 61 empowers the SIB ( by virtue of delegated powers conferred on the Secretary of State ) to apply to the court for , inter alia , a restitution order ( or , as it is sometimes referred to , a ‘ disgorgement order ’ ) requiring any firm who infringes , inter alia , the SIB 's conduct of business rules , to disgorge their profits .
10 This is , perhaps , the closest that social science has come to pure " empiricism " or , as it is sometimes referred to , " vulgar fact gathering " .
11 Is this a very one-sided picture , as it is sometimes claimed to be ?
12 Pulverized bark or even wood shavings can be used as it is so exposed to the air that denitrification is avoided .
13 High levels of spatial mobility are involved as he is regularly posted to regions where the multinational is operating .
14 Should we take account of only the material standards of village life or should we include such an apparently ephemeral notion as what is colloquially referred to as ‘ community spirit ’ , the sense of identity and belonging , which the inhabitants feel ?
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