Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb -s] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As long as someone has n't parked on the patch of paint and taken it all away on their tyres . ’
2 Graf , the French and Wimbledon champion , will be a firm favourite to collect her third U.S. Open crown as she has not lost to Sukova in 19 matches since losing in their first meeting as a 14-year-old in 1983 .
3 The allowance is given from the date of bereavement to the end of that tax year , and for the following year so long as she has not remarried by the start of that year .
4 I find this poem not as effective as ‘ Futility ’ in getting its message across as there does not seem to be much emotion in it and it is very difficult to understand and that takes away much of the effect .
5 This essay is , incidentally , unusually accessible for the lay reader as it does not rely on any familiarity with the technical terminology that he developed later .
6 In Jordan v. Burgoyne Lord Parker C.J. made the point that the expressions ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting ’ are all ‘ very strong words , ’ and Lord Reid in Brutus v. Cozens repeated the warning against too expansive a reading of the section , observing that ‘ vigorous and it may be distasteful or unmannerly speech or behaviour is permitted so long as it does not go beyond any of these limits . ’
7 The distinction between a statute creating a public right and a statute prohibiting what had previously been lawful is not a satisfactory one as it does not appear to be based on any particular principle .
8 ‘ ’ Do what you want ’ shall be the whole of the law' was a favourite catch phrase of the occultist Aleister Crowley , but in fact it is the ‘ law ’ of the private kingdom — with the added rider , ‘ as long as it does not interfere with other people 's personal preferences ’ .
9 Damp is acceptable so long as the cellar is not in use and so long as it does not rise above the ground floor dpc .
10 As long as it does not impinge upon another 's needs , get up and fight for your rights , your space and for your needs .
11 The emperor 's approach is to adhere to that principle and hold the trust to be valid in so far as it does not conflict with it : that is , as far as the daughter benefited under her father 's will .
12 Whatever we honestly desire , imagine and expect — so long as it does not conflict with our thoughts , beliefs and attitudes — will happen .
13 Furthermore s. 2(4) European Communities Act 1972 provides that any Act of the Westminster Parliament shall be presumed not to conflict with EEC legislation , and will be given effect only so far as it does not conflict with the EEC legislation .
14 Where the plan is subordinate to the verbal description it may be referred to in order to elucidate boundaries , so long as it does not conflict with anything explicit in the verbal description ( Wiggington & Milner v Winster Engineering [ 1978 ] 3 All ER 436 ) .
15 As long as it does n't clash with
16 ‘ So long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ he snarled , and , as if he could no longer bear to be in the same room with her , he turned and strode from her sitting-room , through her hall , and out of her flat .
17 Again and again in the night hours she thought of him , of his aggression and of the barely veiled hint in his parting shot ‘ so long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ that for all she had , so far , gone along with everything he had decreed , she could still find herself out of a job if she did n't toe the line .
18 Moreover , the value of each gene can change any amount , so long as it does n't stray into double figures .
19 ‘ And Noah said to his wife as they sat down to dine , ‘ I do n't care where the water goes as long as it does n't get into the wine ’ , ’ Haverford quoted gleefully .
20 Well it 's alright as long as it does n't get to be like I said it could , these are lovely stamps you know
21 ‘ Just so long as it does n't get in here . ’
22 No doubt your gran often gave your mum the benefit of her advice but it probably never occurred to her , as it has n't occurred to you , that your mother longs for love , company and sex .
23 It may be that depredations had occurred before they got to Strichen ; Boswell , who had visited fifteen years earlier , clearly expected more from the druidical circle , although whether to impress Johnson further , or to avoid being thought an inaccurate provider of anticipations , is difficult to tell , as he does not expand beyond saying , ‘ …
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