Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , conditions for the time of the year seemed favourable and I was in hopeful mood as I rowed carefully out on the meadow side to a drop-off at about 70 yards I knew to be there .
2 ’ Not me , ’ I told her as I struggled painfully up from the pouch-seat .
3 Now as I said way back at the very beginning , the greeting and appropriate sociability will set the scene if it 's too short or too long it will doubtlessly alienate the whole process but you can see the domino effect you but you can see the domino effect you
4 As I dragged reluctantly along past Mrs Smith 's house who should come out , deep in conversation with Mrs Smith , but my Dad .
5 The big , light-hungry leaves were almost black now as I walked briskly back along the path searching for the track to take me back to the lodge .
6 A girl of about Xanthe 's age bounced up to my side as I walked slowly along in front of the grandstand , and said , ‘ Hi !
7 As I walked forlornly around on my own , I could hear fragments of different conversations wafting over the music :
8 As I start forward out of the shadows I feel an arm of steel across my chest .
9 The road worsened as I edged gingerly down along the country 's sunken spine , vanishing at times in coils of thick black mud .
10 As you go deeper in towards the centre laboratory you pass through progressively cleaner bio-medical zones , starting here with a shower .
11 Parking the Volvo under the cedar tree , she was so sunk in her own angry thoughts that she hardly felt the bleak rain on her face as she walked slowly round to the rear entrance .
12 She felt cold , and folded her arms across her chest as she walked slowly back to the house , looking down at the bloodstained front step .
13 Her voice died away as she glanced anxiously out of the unshuttered window .
14 Leith snapped , sparks flashing in her green eyes as she stared hostilely up at him .
15 For a long moment there was silence between them as she stared unseeingly down at her own hand caught in his surprisingly tender grasp .
16 He raised his hand to stroke the soft skin of her cheek , his eyes never leaving hers as she stared blindly back at him , her pulses seeming to almost race out of control .
17 ‘ I do n't know , ’ she repeated as she stared blindly down into her glass .
18 ‘ Er — wha-what time is it ? ’ she mumbled , her mind too sleepy and uncoordinated to cope with the sharp , quivering response that gripped her stomach as she blinked nervously up at her husband .
19 There was a hint of a smile on Miss Phoebe 's face as she went quietly back to her seat .
20 Well , she 'd truly burned her boats now , Gina had been thinking as she gazed silently out of the Mercedes 's window at the passing scenery .
21 Placing her bag on the table , she halted beside him as she looked vaguely round for a mug .
22 The words swarmed through her mind as she glared furiously back at him , but somehow she could n't bring herself to say them .
23 Lesley turned smartly left as the lights changed , and wound her way by back-streets to the parking-ground on the edge of the shopping centre , a multi-storey monstrosity of raw concrete , at which she gazed with resigned distaste as she crept slowly up to the barrier and drove in to the second tier .
24 Raimundo 's shaggy lurchers swarmed round Perdita as she staggered groggily out of the car .
25 But talking was the last thing she wanted to do , Lindsey decided , as she marched angrily back towards the hospital .
26 Thank goodness for Iris , thought Melissa as she plodded wearily up to bed , for insisting that she cover herself by reporting Lou 's visit .
27 by no means all rhyolite lavas are associated with obsidian — the majority are not — and , as one goes further back through the geological record , obsidian becomes progressively more and more scarce , due to devitrification , and none at all is found in rocks more than a few million years old .
28 I shouted wildly , as we walked together out of the front door , to wait for the coach in the road .
29 The sea was calm , and Oban , caught in the clear light of a summer morning , looked charming and toylike , as we sailed sedately out between the islets and castle crowned rocks , with sea-birds drifting in our wake , and everywhere , even over the smell of salt and wind , the scents of summer .
30 As for Unix , as we said way back in 1984 when we forecast that it would come to dominate the mainstream market , it is fundamentally quite inappropriate as the basis of a robust commercial operating system because it is designed for free sharing of resources and code between users , where one of the most important requirements of a mission-critical operating system is that the crass behaviour of some idiot wo n't bring the system down .
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