Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moving to Microsoft Corp Windows NT technology may not be as traumatic as everyone makes it out to be , says ComputerWorld .
2 Libby would not watch ; she hated the high-pitched squealing as the rabbits panicked , hearing a stick thump or a shot ring out , seeing the warm fur parting in the breeze as someone threw it down beside the other corpses .
3 Becky did not flinch from the cold water but took a deep breath as I lowered her down beneath Our Lady 's statue .
4 As I poked them back in the compost moved , and I retreated hurriedly .
5 As I dragged myself back to the Duck and Forceps , I suddenly felt a strange empathy with the great Mike Channon .
6 Marie and I agreed that she would train the chicks at La Trobe , using exactly the protocol that she herself had modified from Cherkin , which is essentially how we still do it even today , as I described it back in Chapter 2 .
7 As I see it in with the board , Greater York , now that the green belt is in a deposited local fund , includes only two small areas beyond the green belt .
8 My voice was taut with anger as I pulled it out of the shelf in front of me and opened it on my knees .
9 Here , let me' As I put it down on the table I saw that her initials were etched on the flap in black .
10 Herta kept her head down as I helped her off with her coat .
11 The soft , perished feel of the old washer which rubbed black on your fingers as you took it out of the tap .
12 ‘ … so long as you let me in on all the details . ’
13 As she heaved herself up against the pillows she discovered she was wearing a man 's shirt , extra-large and striped , and she 'd never seen that before , either .
14 He let his hand wander a little , and got it petulantly pushed away as she heaved herself out of the clutches of the chesterfield 's upholstery , and sat up on the edge of it .
15 He heard the garden chair squeak and sigh as she heaved herself out of
16 ‘ It was supposed to be in my hair , ’ she told him as she followed him through to the spacious kitchen , deciding honesty was the best policy in the circumstances .
17 Leonora felt very subdued as she followed him down to the relatively peaceful little beach of Lee Haven , where years before Joshua Probert had built a safe anchorage for his boats .
18 As she followed him out into the sunshine , Sabine thought , I 'll ask him later , and pushed the memory of Antoinette 's venom to the furthest recesses of her mind .
19 ‘ We 'll take the caravans nearest the town if you and Tumbleweed look for the strays further afield , ’ Elinor suggested as she sorted us out into mixed doubles .
20 He attended without wavering as she took him round to the head of the little dale , above the cottage , pointing out the hare 's field below them as they went .
21 Then she carried the basket to the washing line and unpegged the clothes rapidly , chucking them down in a windblown tangle ( Ella folded things as she took them out of the tumble drier .
22 But her eyes were fail of pain as she led me through to the lounge .
23 ‘ Do you think whoever wrote those letters killed poor Mary ? ’ she asked as she saw him out of the door .
24 As she let herself in at the front door her mother 's voice came booming out of the kitchen .
25 The three words were not a great deal for Carrie to pin her hopes to , but she had a warm and happy glow deep inside her as she let herself in at the door of the cottage .
26 As she let herself out into the garden through the kitchen door , she gave a small shiver that had absolutely nothing to do with the autumnal chill in the air .
27 ‘ I 'm helping to set out the stalls for the hospital bazaar — should be back about midday , ’ she called , as she let herself out of the house .
28 Bedelia said as she bustled us off to bed .
29 Fear thawed her , lending her unusual strength as she tore herself out of Rune 's arms , desire draining from her body and leaving her cold and shaken .
30 As soon as they are born , she takes them into her huge jaws where they lie in pouches as she carries them back down the river .
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