Example sentences of "as [noun] [conj] [noun prp] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sixteen days earlier ‘ the Baron ’ ( as Victoria and Albert called him ) had been sent to England by her ‘ Uncle Leopold ’ as his alter ego , and was Victoria 's guest at breakfast on her first day as queen .
2 As Prince and Starky told their followers to sell their lands and give them the money , in 1849 they were able to set up the Agapemone , the ‘ Abode of Love ’ , on land they had bought in the village of Spaxton , near Charlynch .
3 Wee Joe watched as William and Jenny poured it into bowls and dripped water into it .
4 Of the Enlightenment as Kant or Voltaire saw it ( see pp. 411ff below ) , as the human mind liberating itself from the self-imposed tutelage of centuries , a new birth of intellectual adventure , they had no inkling .
5 As Antony and Cleopatra has it , ‘ Music of the hautboys is under the stage ’ .
6 As Hitchcock and Mitchell put it : ‘ The principle that pedestrian paths should be straight , level , smooth and free from obstruction is easily stated , as is the one that mechanical vehicles can more easily travel further or change level to achieve vehicle/pedestrian segregation .
7 They watched enviously as Nigel and Juliet settled themselves inside .
8 As Bourque and Grossholtz put it , ‘ that politics is a man 's world is a familiar adage ; that political science as a discipline tends to keep it that way is less well accepted , but perhaps closer to the truth ’ ( 1984 , p. 103 ) .
9 As Tiger and Fox put it :
10 Adam went to get the hire car as Billie and Jenny said their goodbyes .
11 As Keeny and Panofsky put it :
12 They were the wings of the riddling Sphinx , they were the wings of the Archangel Michael as he descends with his sword shaped like a flame ; the wings of the angel who watches , a single tear on his left cheek , as Adam and Eve make their staggering way out of Paradise .
13 As Hildyard and Olson put it : ‘ the authority of rhetorical conditions are collapsed onto the truth conditions so that if a statement is true to the facts or to the text itself , that is sufficient condition for its being interpersonally appropriate ’ ( ibid. p. 9 ) .
14 We 're meeting in July on the pay and as Ron and Bill know we are seeking full restoration of the losses in respect of base rates , working time and premium payments .
15 Its various divisions — by function , class , and sex — correspond to the analysis of that society as Marx and Engels presented it .
16 It was easier to imagine the future as Marx and Engels foresaw it .
17 Yet Australia 's fightback with the bat did not seem to matter as Gooch and Atherton continued their remarkable run of success as an opening pair .
18 There are particular worries about small companies where , as Ernst & Young puts it , ‘ the problem is exacerbated ’ .
19 Each day , there 's another batch of envelopes to open , as Maureen and Amanda maintain their lifeline for the lifers .
20 ‘ I am most concerned , ’ he was saying in French as Iris and Melissa joined them .
21 That is why the issue of pay for office became " a political symbol " — a symbol of the determination of the democrats that poverty should not be a bar to political participation , as Pericles and Euripides boasted it was not .
22 As Athelstan and Cranston made their way back into the city , the hospitaller , Fitzormonde , was standing in the bailey of the Tower , staring at the huge bear now stuffing its cruel mouth with scraps from the Tower kitchen .
23 On the first day Guatemala and Papua New Guinea were admitted as members and Cambodia resumed its membership .
24 THE atmosphere is decidedly frosty as Charles and Diana begin their tour of Korea .
25 We know of the prison walls crumbling as Paul and Silas praised their God .
26 First , as Mercer and Julien remind us , such an equivalence tends to obscure exactly those differences which need to be addressed if we are to understand not only each kind of discrimination separately but also their interconnections ( ‘ Race , Sexuality and Black Masculinity ’ , 99 — 100 ) .
27 Thus , too , the " " complyn " " in this passage , the last service of the monastic day , matches the " " laudes " " sung out by the bells and sung by the friars in Oxford as Nicholas and Alison consummate their passion .
28 As Douglas and Ramsay stationed their people about one hundred yards out from the gateway , peering to see if the drawbridge was indeed down , they were startled by two figures who materialised out of the gloom from behind a low wall of the forecourt — and were almost leapt upon there and then .
29 Now Sir Peter chairs Midland Bank and the same managers of the Kuwait state investments are doing their utmost to dump Midland shares on to the market just as Hongkong & Shanghai makes its bid .
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