Example sentences of "had [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , all attacks by the German centre , west of Verdun and at Nancy , had been halted with heavy loss .
2 But when the first baiter led his teams on to an unploughed field he did not have to trouble his head about the width of the stetches : that had been fixed by long usage and probably appeared to him then as unalterable an aspect of the landscape as the roads and the hedges .
3 Captain Glen had recently reported that the university had been retaken with little opposition , and Mortimer had immediately set off .
4 A liaison had been struck with Spanish designer Juan de la Cierva for G & J Weir to licence build his autogiros .
5 When its near discordant notes gave way to Rooster and the driving beat of early Rolling Stones music , it was as if the the group and the whole theatre had been struck by benign lightening .
6 It was a dramatic gesture , a revelation ; it put him in a position of power , if only for a moment , but he liked that position and his primacy had been denied in that group of irreverents .
7 Normally used as a storeroom-cum-gallery , it had been cleared of extraneous clutter .
8 Bending down , he saw that although the space had been cleared with some care , there were traces of charcoal mingled with sand .
9 P cepacia was not recovered from the external surface of the spirometer handpiece , or from the arms of a wooden chair that had been grasped by each patient during spirometry .
10 By one year , 12 recurrences had been diagnosed by ultrasonagraphy but only seven had been detected by oral cholecystectography .
11 It had been realised by this time that , even if polythene did not fit into the then accepted mould for plastics , which tended to be glassy substances like polystyrene and Perspex , it might still be useful .
12 McCallen who had been rammed by another rider earlier in the race was unhurt by his fall but obviously still shaken up .
13 On Assembly Sunday , the one just after Christian Aid Week , the visiting preacher , Rev. Stewart Matthew , told us that the day before , under the dripping trees of Holyrood , he had met a young man who had told him with pride and joy that over £13,000 had been raised for Christian Aid at his church .
14 Jackie Stewart also announced that the record sum of £200,000 had been raised by this year 's Jackie Stewart Celebrity Challenge .
15 Compared to this Packard-Merlin , the Mk III had been raised in immaculate condition and its rocker covers still gleam with the original black paintwork .
16 I was in Italy and read in the paper that Paul Van Kempen had been appointed as General Music Director in Aachen .
17 A new head of History had been appointed for next term to release the pastoral coordinator from a ‘ caretaker ’ role as head of History , a scale 3 second in department for English had been appointed by promoting an existing member of the department and an early retirement application had been granted .
18 The budget was the first to be based on President Hashemi Rafsanjani 's development plan for 1989-93 , which had been adopted after considerable debate at the end of January 1990 .
19 The Social Charter , which had been adopted by 11 member countries in December 1989 [ see p. 37132 ] , continued to draw much criticism from the UK during this period , particularly with regard to the rights of employees to consultation in the workplace .
20 A section of runway had been cordoned off that afternoon by the remaining twenty policemen who had strict orders not to allow anyone through without an official pass .
21 In each case the siblings concerned had been separated from each other when they were babies .
22 She had been indicted on numerous corruption charges since her return to the Philippines , as the government continued to attempt to recover some of the millions of dollars which she and her husband allegedly looted from the country during their years in power .
23 In their minds it had been prefaced with romantic dialogue and protestations of love .
24 It had been recognised for some time that only through rationalisation into larger productive and distributive units could the movement overcome the damaging rivalries among societies in the same neighbourhood , and through economies of scale promote further growth .
25 At least by 1960 it had been recognised in this jurisdiction that it connotes a duty not to injure one 's neighbour by want of reasonable care .
26 On my last visit to Wood Green , I saw that an attractive house had been built on that part of the garden .
27 Query had been built on hard fact and delivered hard-hitting articles .
28 ‘ If it had been built in one go , ’ he claimed , demonstrating with a model and bucket of clay , ‘ it would have fallen over . ’
29 The Retreat had been built in neo-classical style : twelve marble pillars rising to support a dome that called for decoration , but had none .
30 He had been lost to all sense of preservation , both for himself and for Grainne .
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