Example sentences of "had [adv] be [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To the preparation of both courses of lectures I gave far more attention than I had latterly been giving at Durham . ’
2 They had presumably been drawn to Bologna as students and had stayed there to carve themselves out a teaching or professional career .
3 A warrant for Proksch 's arrest had eventually been issued in March 1988 .
4 Their contents had mostly been removed to Germany .
5 The Corporation of the City of London had long maintained a non-denominational burial ground , though it had predominantly been used by Dissenters .
6 Commentators noted that the leadership restructuring was likely in practice to curtail still further the role of both the politburo and central committee in influencing state policy ( already the politburo had effectively been supplanted by Gorbachev 's new Presidential Council — see pp. 37298-99 ) .
7 The " Open Skies " policy had been proposed by the United States in December 1989 [ see pp. 37112 ] , and test flights had been made in eastern Europe [ see p. 37201 ] , but talks on its implementation had effectively been suspended in May 1990 after Soviet expressions of reservations over militarily sensitive areas [ see pp. 37267 ; 38255 ] and they had been reconvened only on Sept. 9 , 1991 [ see p. 38458 ] .
8 Carinish Court had aroused some people 's envy : that at least was true , even if Ralph had perhaps been mistaken about Johnny Redburn 's reaction to the place .
9 The implication of moral blackmail in robbing patient services to pay nurses remained a ghost at the banquet for the media , and for many nurses , who had still to reconcile the jobs they had perhaps been doing for years with the management 's idea of their responsibilities , and the clinical grade to which they aspired .
10 He had convened a pan-African conference in Kumasi in 1953 but that had necessarily been limited to consultation .
11 Youngsters who had hitherto been isolated on farms and factories could now take part in informed discussion on a wide variety of subjects .
12 Cognitive behaviour is not reducible to simple sequences of contingencies of reinforcement but instead reflects goal-seeking activities , hypothesis making and many other features which had hitherto been dismissed from consideration within the Anglo-American tradition in psychology .
13 The discovery of chemical substitutes led to the founding of a dyestuffs industry and helped the mills develop into extended factory production , gradually mechanizing processes which had hitherto been done by outworkers in their own homes .
14 Only a much less comprehensive record had hitherto been kept of business done in Parliament .
15 The directive , which had hitherto been opposed by West Germany , Greece and Spain , was due to come into effect at the end of 1994 ; the Commission aimed to reach agreement on a single passport for insurance companies during 1990 .
16 It was probably this scriptural revolution more than anything else which made the ecumenical one possible , and one of its earliest post-conciliar consequences was the beginning of active co-operation with the Bible translation societies , whose work had hitherto been boycotted by Catholics .
17 Virgin 's payments had all been made on time , and as far as he was aware there was no problem at all .
18 The existing museums had all been converted into celebrations of the life and achievements of Nicolae Ceauşescu so what could be more natural than that the Conducator 's body should rest in the museum as the culminating exhibit of Romanian national history .
19 We lost nearly everything , because it had all been packed in plastic bags and it had got mildewed .
20 Michael Willis , the ancient Hawaiians , Victor Hugo , had all been affected by wave-fever ; all of them had abjured the text .
21 They had all been working at stone-gathering , keeping their pageant money out of sight for fear the constables mark them as robbers or miracle-workers .
22 The subjects in Mattila 's study had all been admitted to hospital for acute myocardial infarction .
23 As is well known , Tolkien 's grand design , or desire , was to give back to his own country the legends that had been taken from it in the Dark Ages after the Conquest , when elves and woodwoses and sigelhearwan too had all been forced into oblivion .
24 The others had all been chosen by party colleagues in order to replace leaders who had been forced to resign over issues of mismanagement .
25 They had all been inhibited from plain speaking by the lavish hospitality , the fresh scampi with avocado had been too ‘ mucked about ’ for her taste , while that dreadful black man had insisted on telling her all about his times in and out of the ring with ‘ Big Frank ’ ( ‘ a lovely suit of clothes ’ ) , interrupting himself only to raise his glass of pink wine to Sir Ralph who had , in his opinion , ‘ done us proud ’ .
26 Lancashire police said later that the 16 people arrested had all been released on police bail after questioning .
27 Gradually , however , they had all been infected by Yussuf 's low spirits and now the orderly room was an oasis of gloom .
28 It had all been settled between gentlemen .
29 The Yorkshire land had all been held by Clarence and the scale of the alienations made in exchange suggests that Gloucester set considerable store by its acquisition .
30 The Yorkshire land had all been held by Clarence and the scale of the alienations made in exchange suggests that Gloucester set considerable store by its acquisition .
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