Example sentences of "had [adv] [been] [verb] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Altogether she followed up 345 white American children who had been referred to the child guidance clinic for anti-social behaviour , 130 other referrals and 100 individuals who had attended neighbouring elementary schools who had not been referred for any specialist help , and who therefore provided a comparison group .
2 In a speech on July 5 President Banda had announced an intention to charge and try all detainees suspected of breaking the law , saying that a special tribunal headed by a High Court judge would be set up to hear appeals from any detainees who had not been charged with any offence .
3 The Full Federal Court allowed the appeal on the ground that there had been no breach of natural justice as the respondents had been given a hearing and , in the opinion of one Judge , had not been deprived of any present benefit or advantage .
4 A misunderstanding then seems to have occurred with Fimbra writing to its members last week saying that its scheme had not been altered in any way and that members could not renew existing policies if the renewal date was after 1990 .
5 The EDC treaty had not been ratified by any state when the proposed Political Community treaty was published .
6 The need for reappraisal in the 1950s was underlined by accumulating evidence that rising standards of material prosperity , education and social welfare had not been matched by any corresponding decline in offending .
7 However , as Captain Robert Cunningham pointed out , as watchman Main was actually paid his £15 , while in his promoted post he had not been appointed to any port and held an appointment as tidesman at large , which meant that he was only paid when he was actually employed , and Haldane interest with the commissioners would make his tours of duty few and far between unless he experienced a timely political conversion .
8 Bowie was a cautious man and his two previous reports on leukaemia incidence in the county had not been tinged with any anti-nuclear sentiment .
9 The Pensions Act which became law in August 1908 granted a pension of between 1s. and 5s. per week to those over the age of seventy with incomes of between £21 and £31 10s. p.a. , provided that they had not been imprisoned for any offence , including drunkenness , during the ten years preceding their claim , were not aliens or wives of aliens , and could satisfy the pension authority that they had not been guilty of ‘ habitual failure to work according to his ability , opportunity or need , for his own maintenance and that of his legal relatives ’ .
10 The Attorney-General referred to the Court of Appeal under section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972 the questions whether proceedings upon indictment could be stayed on the grounds of prejudice resulting from delay in the institution of those proceedings even though that delay had not been occasioned by any fault on the part of the prosecution , and , if so , what degree of likelihood and seriousness of prejudice was required to justify a stay of such proceedings .
11 Endowed with a formidable creative vigour , untrammeled by the insularity which bedevilled the English art of his day , forthright in his opinions , he expressed them in prose of clarity which had not been equalled by any British painter since Hogarth , whose art and whose personality his own so closely resembled .
12 They found it had not been modified in any way and could not operate on the 27–28 MHz frequency ( the FM Citizens ' Band ) .
13 They had not been negotiated by any representative body of farmers , such as the National Farmers ' Union .
14 Until a few years ago this test had not been performed in any species with a bizarre male form , and the theory remained a speculation , tentatively accepted by most ethologists in the absence of any plausible alternative .
15 The scene was set for a movie genius but what was important for the history of the movies was that the genius who emerged to push the medium and the industry into a new era was a self-educated romantic whose values and ideas had not been provided by any distinctive intellectual tradition or urban political party but rather had emerged first out of his Southern , rural , Methodist past and then as he had drifted through a rapidly changing America .
16 However , the fact that these works had not been shown to any Russian museum curators caused considerable trouble for the organisers .
17 It had not been predicted by any of the models simulating potential pollution effects on the stratosphere .
18 Review of the case notes showed that coeliac disease had not been considered in any of these patients and the diagnoses that had been made were not supported by satisfactory evidence .
19 The deed of release furthermore had not been induced by any misrepresentation , so it was a complete bar to any claims by the companies concerning anything that had happened before that agreement took effect .
20 If the river had still been working with any serious use of its productive capacity , this presentation of delightful monuments would not have been possible .
21 It had now been demonstrated beyond any doubt that this was real war and that any prospect of retaking the Falklands as an uninterrupted triumphal procession was illusory .
22 Definitely , we do n't if we were crossing an area that had n't been secured by any other officer , so we were particularly concerned that we should get out of any possible danger area .
23 Alison was n't keen to take hers , but I managed to persuade her , pointing out that since I had n't been asked for any more money these were almost certainly aspirins .
24 And er er sort of phone call one afternoon at half past four from the deputy , oh by the way , in fact if we had n't been talking to any Brummies on a we would 've been interviewing people and telling them that they 'd got a three year and these are all points that are gon na be brought up next week , but I do n't see there is any possibility of them doing an about turn because they 've gone public on it .
25 That had never been mooted at any previous stage and ran completely counter to the management plan which was to explore the possibility of placing T. with her older half-sister as her full-time carer .
26 Through the Lafayette — and perhaps more particularly through the heroism of Victor Chapman at Verdun — there began to develop in the United States an appreciation and sympathy for the poilus themselves such as had never been provoked by any other battle .
27 Premonition , who had never been seen with any chance in the Derby , won the 1953 St Leger .
28 He had never been charged with any criminal offence .
29 She kept , it was said , her own household and ruled her own fiefs , and although her name had never been linked with any man Alexei knew of , marriage to her was not a prospect which he thought he would be able to face with equanimity .
30 The defendants could have found product liability insurance easily , ( see also on this point Flamar Interocean Ltd v Denmac [ 1990 ] 1 Lloyds Rep 434. ) and the term was universal in the trade ( but had never been negotiated by any trade association ) so that the plaintiff had no opportunity of obtaining product on other terms .
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