Example sentences of "had [adv] [adv] [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 He had been shocked by the resentment he had aroused — especially from a group of poets who themselves had only lately moved into the Vale : but he had dug in and dug on , he was no coward and he would not budge , he was determined to see it built , to live in it in the season and to be happy there with his wife and daughter .
2 The idea was not of course original to Wordsworth , but his expression of it is unusually convincing ; and he is ahead of his time in his recognition of the ‘ subconscious mind ’ — this phrase had not yet come into the language , and Wordsworth 's ‘ workings of the spirit ’ — he has many other phrases — are not always seen to refer to this .
3 If he had not actually gone into the room he would not have seen Gina ; she was standing against one of the bookcases hidden from him by the open door .
4 Her name was Nellie and she was in the same class as me at school and her family had not long moved into the neighbourhood .
5 The council was formed in 1979 under strong leadership guidance ( the only member who had not recently moved into the area , although a home-owner ) .
6 Beyond the houses the lane became a rough track crossing a bridge towards the forestry development , climbing up through the young trees of the forestry and out on to open country towards the summit of Shunner Fell , where , after much bog-trotting and splashing about , we hit the line of ash palings that had been laid down here to stop further erosion of the Pennine Way but which had very largely sunk into the bog .
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