Example sentences of "had [verb] over a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And to Carole 's annoyance , Hyacinth Scragg had not turned up , despite the reminder she had received over a cup of tea at the conference centre .
2 To pass the time , the conversation had ranged over a variety of topics , from sport to current affairs , then had finally settled after some time on shop-talk — inevitable when any group of cops got together anywhere in the world .
3 In that capacity he had presided over a campaign against corruption , and more positively over a relaxation of the restrictions upon private trade and local government .
4 Eisenhower had presided over a period of grim Cold War tension which he , like most Americans , believed had been caused by the ambitions of world communism .
5 It was no longer that he had been a member of the murder gang , but that he had presided over a meeting of UDA officers in order to plan it .
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