Example sentences of "had [verb] [prep] [noun] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 They had travelled to Berlin merely in order to join the queue of refugees trying to get home .
2 ENGLAND 'S women golfers duly added the Home International championship to their European Team title they had won in Holland earlier in the season when they defeated Scotland 5–3 at Hermitage yesterday .
3 He tried to extract every detail from his memory , quoting to himself what he had said to Cranston earlier in the day : ‘ If there 's a problem , logically there must be a solution . ’
4 ‘ Domestic Happiness is the greatest of things sublunary , ’ he had written to Southey earlier in August , ‘ and of things celestial it is perhaps impossible for unassisted Man to believe any thing greater . ’
5 Needing an outlet for her gathering frustration , she collected the bulbs she had bought in Norwich earlier in the week and took them out into the little garden .
6 On Oct. 22 a UN spokesman said that almost 250 people had died of hunger daily in Bardera since the relief workers left .
7 Policemen had walked in pairs there in the old days .
8 However , even though he had triumphed at Augusta earlier in the year , Palmer decided to pull out .
9 Fisher , who had gone to Melbourne briefly in 1897 with high hopes of being selected for Australia , was determined to see Otago cricket prosper , and convinced the local authorities that Crawford would be the type of coach who could bring on the young Otago players .
10 Six men had bled to death there in the snow or in the arms of friends and relatives as they carried them home .
11 Brown had worked with Russell earlier in his career and both felt that their respective skills complemented one another .
12 Both acknowledged the lessons they had learned from mentors early in their careers and each accepted that as time elapses heads appoint other teachers who have something of their own style about them .
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