Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Experience had taught her that allowing him time meant , in effect , allowing him to stay .
2 If you were in a bad accident or been into the slums with lice and things , you had to report it and bring your uniform in .
3 Thomas Buchanan had to hit them and push them to the top of the rock .
4 ‘ A pity that you had to lose her and earn your own living . ’
5 If you went up the railway embankment at night , he said , you could look straight into the window of the room Uncle Titch had given her and see her getting undressed .
6 He made coffee , then found the piece of paper Roxborough had given him and took it to the phone .
7 He took the sealed letter DeVore had given him and handed it across .
8 He saw them in terms of the hours of training he had given them and regarded their departure as something to be listed in the debit columns .
9 I had to see him and wave him on , ’ she sobbed , opening the contents of her purse into the collector 's tin .
10 And why should the palm be so thickly clotted , almost as if another 's hand had lifted it and smeared it into the blood at the throat ?
11 After drawing a blank on Rhodes , I had to write something that justified my travelling expenses , so I made you the villain of the piece .
12 Gabriel had broken his apprentice 's bond and no one had hanged him or flogged him or thrown him into prison .
13 Which brought her back to the sack and to the Friar who had carried it and left it in their care .
14 He had skirted it and approached them from behind .
15 He 'd sounded regretful but pointed out that he had committed himself and felt it would be ill-mannered to tell his hostess he had now made other arrangements .
16 His agent , Peter Müller , had prepared it and left it in one of the embassy ‘ letter boxes ’ for collection .
17 The sweat that had begun in anticipation of what she might encounter in the street now ran in fear of her mother 's rage ; Nunzia 's eyes had gone hard and wrinkled like black olive pips when Rosa had produced the plover , and she had clucked impatiently with her tongue when Rosa lied and said her grandfather had shot it and presented it to her .
18 Rocky introduced them as Carl Wood , Jubal Cantrell and Austen Parker , but Jim Miller would have recognised the latter two as Jube and Red , the pair who had baited him and given him such a hard time before Rocky 's intervention had rescued him .
19 It was he actually whom Simon had asked to be the co-respondent — bogus co-respondent — when they were concocting their divorce , it was about him that the judge had scolded her and given me to Anna .
20 Now here , lying on her bed while St Margaret held his dragon power in check , Maggie knew she had indulged Fenna too long , that she had fed him and petted him into overweening size and pride .
21 Luckily I had been doing The Clothes Show on TV and her father had seen me and knew I was reputable .
22 I wanted to believe that this man — this stranger — had seen me and wanted me .
23 In this damp clay I had left footprints , and over these footprints I now found the splayed-out pug marks of the tigress where she had jumped down from the rocks and followed me , until the kakar had seen her and given its alarm-call , whereon the tigress had left the track and entered the bushes where I had seen the movement .
24 He said hundreds of thousands of jobs and lives had been destroyed while the Premier had done nothing but watch it happen .
25 It had done nothing but distract everybody .
26 We had taken a London business colleague out who had never fished before ; the sort of man who had done everything and knew everything .
27 If he drew a chair or a pair of boots he managed to convey the effort of production that went into them , as if he had shaped them and fitted them together himself .
28 And Hilderbridge lay in the sunshine , its slate roofs all turned to planes of silver , its spires sharp needles , as if a silversmith had made it and dropped it in the valley between the meadows and the moor .
29 Her sister had been to see her and made her very tired and various strangers had moved her and pummelled her in a familiar manner that made her angry .
30 Equally , he was never sure if he had missed something or escaped it .
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