Example sentences of "had [verb] [verb] [conj] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 This was the fourth plane Polly had heard arrive since she had been literally dragged from the boat , marched along the marina , and bundled into the white-painted Customs building .
2 Moved by her obvious concern , he had written to explain that he had been through a bad time , but was better now .
3 She understood why Johnny had felt saddened when he had learned of their passing , and she smiled briefly as she recalled that she had never found the courage to tell him of the passing of that Empire , too — fearing that such knowledge could have precipitated an apoplectic fit !
4 She had decided to pretend that nothing had happened .
5 So far , she had killed no one , but the vicar of St Andrew 's had once had to call in Doctor Bailey as he was in agony with severe stomach pains , and had had to admit that he had taken tea and sandwiches with a peculiar and pungent filling , at Dotty Harmer 's a few hours before .
6 And she had had to admit that she had wanted Luke Hunter to kiss her .
7 I had n't noticed this picture much while she was alive , but now she was dead it seemed as if her eyes sparkled with the same vitality that they had appeared to possess when I had seen her lying cold on her straw mattress a few days earlier .
8 She had wanted to know if he had a wife , just out of normal curiosity , ever since she had first met him .
9 It was long after she had gone to sleep and he had prodded her in the ribs to stop her snoring and was , himself , lying awake , staring into the darkness , thinking about Donald that it occurred to Henry that this was the longest conversation he had had with Elinor for about a year and that , after a bad start , she had , once or twice , come dangerously near to amiability .
10 Five hours later officers admitted the £9,000 Bedford Astra had gone missing before they had checked it for fingerprints .
11 It was not until they had finished eating and she had suggested having their coffee ‘ in more comfortable seats ’ , as she put it — he was careful to avoid the sofa — that she said , in mock reproach , ‘ You 've been very quiet , Freddie .
12 But , by that same morning , Ben Braithwaite had started to believe that he had thought of the cut in wages all by himself .
13 He had tried to do as he had been told by the Pessarane Behesht .
14 She knew that she had pushed her dreadful experience away , had refused to be broken , had tried to pretend that it had never happened .
15 A new set of feelings about the baby had begun to emerge since I had nearly lost it , and I wanted to be sure that they were going to take root before I risked dispersing them with talk .
16 Mildred held out her arm to see if it had begun to reappear but it had n't .
17 Perhaps she had begun to realise that she had been the victim of an unhappy marriage , rather than simply the cause of one .
18 She had been horrified at the botch Ruth made of it and Ruth had begun to wish that she had taken a few of Hester 's proffered lessons .
19 After two weeks he had begun to wonder if he had done the right thing .
20 She did n't look up when I said I was sorry I had been unkind , just went on opening drawers and dropping things and muttering ; I had begun to wonder if she had heard me , when she said , ‘ All right , all right , I 'm going just as soon as I can get my things together , I 'm not one to stay where I 'm not wanted . ’
21 The women sitting around the room had begun to stir once they had seen the money .
22 But even that last saving grace of their relationship had begun to collapse when she had had to spend so much of her time down in Devon , looking after her father and his chaotic affairs .
23 And she had chosen to die as she had lived .
24 He had opened the 1961 claret for them because that was the wine he and Dom had chosen to drink and it had n't occurred to him to offer his guests less .
25 As the DTI had failed to act when it had known of irregularities within the firm , did not the Government have a moral obligation towards the dupes ?
26 Sadly , at the end of her stay , her promised flat had failed to materialise and she had nowhere to live yet again .
27 In Howard Marine and Dredging Co Ltd v A Ogden and Sons ( Excavations ) Ltd [ 1978 ] QB 574 , a case decided under s3 of the 1967 Act , Lord Denning considered the following factors to be relevant : the parties were of equal bargaining position , the representation made was innocent , and in any case the plaintiffs had failed to prove that they had reasonable grounds for believing the truth of the statement .
28 It was held that in showing that he relied upon the figures in Lloyd 's Register and had disregarded the figure in the ship 's documents , he had failed to prove that he had had reasonable grounds to believe the truth of his misrepresentation .
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