Example sentences of "had been a [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One way and another it had been a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon .
2 Yes Geraldine certainly implied that it had been a jolly hard time .
3 Despite his faint air of apology , it was quite clear that Montgomery had no regrets about what had been a wholly unilateral decision : as the only expert on the spot , he had no intention of consulting anybody .
4 Previously the attic had been a splendidly light studio for Veronica 's work , now it has become an all-white , easy-to-clean room on the lines of a special-care baby unit .
5 The children had no complaints about the refreshments , and when it was time to leave , they decided that it had been a pretty good party .
6 There were individual factory loyalties and there were divisional loyalties and it had been a pretty cosy relationship between the organisation and the Ministry of Defence .
7 Peter Thorneycroft had been a notably successful chairman but was now seventy-two .
8 So far , it had been a rather wearing day , fraught with strange emotions , and it was n't over yet .
9 It seemed that recently there had been a rather upsetting event in this heavenly vale .
10 It had been a bitterly cold day , and the gravel underfoot was frozen into tight lumps .
11 To all appearances , it had been a completely normal day .
12 His calls in the District 's Annual Report for renewed efforts to encourage students to become members were echoed in the Norfolk Democrat , the magazine of the Norfolk Federation among whose branches there had been a particularly serious loss of membership .
13 Mr Owen-Jones said it had been a particularly difficult year in Britain where sales had fallen 12 p.c. compared with a worldwide increase of 10 p.c .
14 It had been a particularly bad day at school .
15 In 1990 Johnston and Hatch had been a most feared combination but now the former has returned to his old stamping ground at Bishop Auckland for one final fling before retiring .
16 Not only was it alleged that the manoeuvre had been a most un-British attack on civilian Boer settlements , overwhelming evidence emerged that it had been irresponsibly commanded with several floutings of elementary military precautions , so that the men who had died — my brother among them — had died quite needlessly .
17 Later that evening when they were seated comfortably in the bar Mary brought up the subject of the eerie feeling in the cutting ; they agreed it had been a most disturbing experience and that there must be some explanation .
18 Joseph , who paid her no wages and feared increasingly ( Alice had been a most unexpected reprieve ) that his goldmine was sure to be removed from his use , could ape his former threats but do nothing .
19 It had been a most beautiful place , he said , before the flood .
20 She had convinced herself that the intense impact which Vitor d'Arcos had once had on her had been a much exaggerated memory , the figment of an overheated imagination .
21 It had been a perfectly bloody conference .
22 To have such a thing happen — when for a lifetime she had been a perfectly normal agnostic , like everybody else .
23 This had been a perfectly human reaction : to look quickly at a dead relative , loved or otherwise .
24 He told parliament there had been a totally unacceptable series of events .
25 It had been a really good experience for both Rachel , aged fifteen with an eleven-month-old baby , and Carol , aged fourteen and five months pregnant .
26 I had thought that there had been a really massive shift from what one might call the public sector into the private sector .
27 Ronni would n't have minded if it had been a less gracious compliment .
28 If only Morpurgo had been a less thoroughbred specimen the contrast with what had subsequently overtaken him would have been easier to accept .
29 He would be killed even if he did n't hit a rock — though there had been a far greater profusion of rocks visible the previous evening .
30 It had been a fairly commonplace murder , a henpecked husband at the end of his tether who had taken a hatchet to his virago of a wife .
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