Example sentences of "had been [v-ing] over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There were few customers and the landlady had been leaning over the bar reading the Daily Mirror .
2 For it had been on a cold Sunday evening in the spring , after he had been looking over the house with the idea of buying it , that he had happened out of curiosity to ‘ pop in ’ , as fashionable Anglo-Catholics said , to Solemn Evensong and Benediction at St Basil 's at the end of the road .
3 In any case , if Parson Woodforde 's manservant Ben Leggatt found himself temporarily ‘ out of pocket ’ , all he had to do was to pawn the best pair of trousers he had been wearing over the weekend and redeem them in time for church on Sunday .
4 A man had been walking over the ground outside .
5 He was clad in the same white coveralls as the half-dozen policemen who had been working over the room , like a coven of wraiths .
6 They were standing by the desk in the library , where Theda had been going over the household accounts when the lawyer arrived , Hector , his wound still troublesome , laying at her feet .
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