Example sentences of "had been [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier in the month I had been strongly against any idea of coalition …
2 In the evenings , after Granpa had come home for supper and the old man had gone off to the pub , I soon became bored just sitting around listening to what my sisters had been up to all day ; so I joined the Whitechapel Boys ' Club .
3 She had been up for five hours .
4 Muldoon nervously introduced the plan , saying that as Fred Klepner had been over on special assignment from Detroit to help Mark in the final preparation of the Plan and the presentation , he would hand over to Fred and let him take the committee through the proposals .
5 Ruth stared down at it and wondered why she had bought it and thought it was probably because it contrasted so sharply with what she had been through on this trip .
6 She had been here for twenty minutes , during which time Alida Thorne had backtracked and made difficulties , pretended not to understand .
7 There may be occasions when it is quite right or entirely understandable that an asylum applicant did not make his claim until he had been here for some time .
8 Cassie shivered as she contemplated the knowledge that she had been here in this kitchen once before … or as near as made no difference .
9 To make matters worse , the two men had been ordered to Germany to attend a conference , and had been away for eight days .
10 The Orynthia had been away for eight months ; and only one member of the returning crew , we may not be surprised to hear , decided to risk a voyage in her again — George Groves , the boy apprentice .
11 Trotter had been away for two weeks .
12 He had been away for some hours .
13 She , it turned out , was away , and had been away for some weeks , touring the clubs in the North .
14 The Georgian military said the Su-25 had attacked several times during Saturday but had been away by anti-aircraft fire .
15 The idea of reproducing the unique taste , character and creamy head of Draught Guinness for the take-home market had been around for many years .
16 A woman of 40 came with digestive disturbance which had been around for twenty years and which had been ameliorated but not cured by previous homœopathic treatment .
17 Clara was astonished ; she could compare the room to nothing in her experience , nothing at all , unless it were perhaps to those studiously , tediously visited ancient homes which she had been round on various bank holidays during her childhood .
18 Fiona & Paul had been together for six years before deciding to tie the knot .
19 They had been together for six months but fell out when he told her he wanted to see more of his friends .
20 Lindsey and Pete had started talking about having a baby when she was fourteen , and did so the following year : Pete and me had been together for eleven months and loved each other more than words could say .
21 And again when they had been together for two years and he was still seeing other women : ‘ They were my protection against these feelings I had for her , ’ he said .
22 Sinead had a hard time at school because she was a newcomer in a class which had been together for two years , and some of her fellow pupils knew her recent history .
23 He went home with a couple who had been together for twelve years , not because he wanted to know what it would be like to be made love to by two men at once , but rather to see how these particular two men lived as a couple ; specifically , what they did together in the morning before going to work .
24 It was a place he rarely went , and now he had been twice in twenty-four hours ; last night with Benny , and tonight because he was so late and fussed getting back from his useless journey to Dublin .
25 The 80s had been all about obsessional lifestyles , body consciousness , diet fads , work-out videos , designer leotards , Reeboks and Aqua Libra .
26 She knew intuitively Babylon had been only for one night .
27 On the previous days they had been out to some meals , but she had also cooked for them .
28 At the end of the protracted negotiations with her great-aunt 's executors , and the vendor 's solicitors , Hugh and Molly had been out to several dinners in bistros , for which she insisted she paid her share .
29 I had been out for many hours that day and had covered many miles of jungle with unflagging caution , but without one moment , s unease , and then , on cresting the ridge , and coming in sight of the rocks , I knew they held danger for me , and this knowledge was confirmed a few minutes later by the kakar 's warning call to the jungle folk , and by my finding the man-eater 's pug marks superimposed on my footprints .
30 Tommy and Iain had been out for fifteen minutes .
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