Example sentences of "had been [art] [noun] [unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Brian had been drunk last night , certainly , but there had been no dog 's abuse out of him .
2 In the afternoon , when only her mother was with her , she stated spontaneously to a nurse that she did not want a blood transfusion , that she had been a Jehovah 's Witness and retained some beliefs .
3 By the sound of it , World War III was breaking out behind her and after the race there had been a stewards ' inquiry .
4 He had been a gamekeeper 's son , and until his father died had lived all his life in the country .
5 A recently discovered ‘ memoir ’ of an old bedridden resident has , for December 1860 , the following : ‘ In an old house that was next to Mr Wagoner 's shop near the Red Lion there lived a man by the name of C … , who had been a gentleman 's servant , but had lost his character and situation and was very lazy .
6 She ate there often ; and since her grandmother had been a gentleman 's cook , she ate well .
7 ‘ No , ma'am , only that she died before her time and had been a lady 's maid . ’
8 There had been a moment 's silence and then Alice had said : ‘ My father died , killed in an accident when I was fifteen . ’
9 Presumably once the building had been a shepherd 's hut , even his home perhaps , but it was long derelict .
10 She had been a mother 's help to a family in Hampshire , she had babysat through an agency in London , and had taken on cleaning jobs .
11 I mean if it had been an electrician 's job and
12 Milton Goldman had been an actors ' agent for nearly 40 years .
13 On the bare and blackened springs of what once had been the driver 's seat , sat the bare and blackened remains of what once had been something or other .
14 In this task he was ably assisted by Mrs. Muriel Ellis , who had been the Headmaster 's secretary since 1973 .
15 Son of Gifford Tate , the painter , he had been the Garlands ' doctor since , at his father 's death , he had returned to Falmouth and set up practice in the family house .
16 The show that underlined changing days was the Oxford review , Beyond The Fringe , with its mild demolition job on national pretensions which had been the Conservatives ' stock-in-trade since 1951 .
17 In the north midlands , the dominant figure in the 1460s had been the king 's brother Clarence , who had been granted the important duchy of Lancaster estates in the region centred on the honour of Tutbury ( Staffs . ) .
18 In the north midlands , the dominant figure in the 1460s had been the king 's brother Clarence , who had been granted the important duchy of Lancaster estates in the region centred on the honour of Tutbury ( Staffs . ) .
19 The Baron had been the Prince 's tutor at Oxford and was living proof to Sharpe that most education was a waste of effort , for none of Rebecque 's modest good sense had rubbed off on the Prince .
20 It was accepted without question , even by the Copts , that Zoser had been the Zikr 's killer and the Moslems were pleased that the matter had ended in such a satisfactory and clean-cut way .
21 Parents had , inevitably in a Direct Grant school , always been closely involved since they were , numerically , the biggest source of income for new building projects , which could not be financed from fees ; but the only formal organization had been the Ladies ' Committee , in whose capable hands the Autumn Fairs and Scandinavian Evenings had prospered over the years .
22 Among the films I brought was that of the Scharnhorst and when its showing time was listed in the ship 's paper , I was informed that one of the passengers , a Captain Danckwerts , had been the Scharnhorst 's wartime assistant navigating officer .
23 The Report emphasized what had been the Council 's interpretation of its Charter and Statutes from the outset — if the Council 's degrees were to be of comparable standard to those awarded by universities then :
24 One source of controversy had been the plan 's provision for a total of $27,000 million in foreign investment , especially in the oil and petrochemicals sector , which hardliners saw as compromising the country 's independence .
25 Two years before , it had been the Giffens ' workroom .
26 It had been the photographer 's idea .
27 The same day it transpired that an additional factor had been the judge 's decision to dismiss " public interest immunity " certificates which had been signed by four senior ministers and which would have prevented the disclosure of certain information about the case .
28 They clambered up the rickety wooden outside staircase to Louis 's workshop in what had been the grooms ' quarters .
29 That was the end of the cinematic euphemisms for making love the misty dissolve , the rocketing fireworks or rearing waves which had been the director 's equivalent of the novelist 's three dots …
30 Broomfield and Alexander , a seven partner firm based in south Wales , had been the club 's auditors for many years when it hit financial difficulties .
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