Example sentences of "had been [adj] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eckstein found in Mexico that in over three generations , there had been little upward occupational mobility , especially into the white-collar class ( Eckstein 1977 ) .
2 He had been Liberal Unionist Chief Whip , with Joseph Chamberlain at the Colonial Office , First Lord of the Admiralty , Milner 's successor in South Africa , and a ditcher over the House of Lords .
3 Since time immemorial ‘ Staggy ’ had been drip-feeding ambitious junior researchers with toxin , preparing them for the stronger poisons which lay ahead .
4 There had been two Argentine naval officers , one on the tug and the other on the Santa Maria , and he had seen at least six crew , but he did not know the names of any of them .
5 Nevertheless , where there had been four interlinked Catholic countries before November 1558 , France , Spain , England and Scotland , there were now three ; the possibility of advancing the Protestant cause in Scotland with help from England , dead for five years , was once again open .
6 This was prompted by the costs of war-indeed , since the renewal of the conflict with France in 1369 there had been several major fiscal exactions , of which the three poll taxes were the last .
7 In addition , there had been several successive bad harvests , and a phylloxera epidemic which devastated the vineyards .
8 Surely she 'd have noticed if there had been any other forced entry .
9 The Prime Minister has again denied that there had been any direct British assistance to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia .
10 There had been some appalling bad luck at a place not far from Dunkerque called Furnes .
11 There had been some notable public defections from the Thatcher camp by some of her erstwhile ardent supporters — including Edwina Currie and Emma Nicholson — but many MPs clearly feared possible retribution from their constituency parties , most of which were strongly supportive of Mrs Thatcher .
12 There had been some hefty wooden icons hanging up on the walls , and , if they had burnt , then there would have been something left of them lying around on the floor .
13 Pham Van Dong in Paris , as well as Giap in Hanoi , had a comparable distrust of French intentions and , since elections of a kind had been held in January 1946 , the Vietminh had been busy consolidating communist power at the centre of a nationalist movement which , in its external aspect , impressed many observers with its moderation .
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