Example sentences of "had been [verb] for [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 James decided to concentrate his efforts on subduing Londonderry , but in the end had to ride back , damp and disappointed , to Dublin , where , on 26 April , as he wrote in his memoirs , ‘ he found the arms not arrived from Cork , Kinsale or Waterford ; and that in the arsenal nothing had been done for preparing of tools ’ .
2 There followed a frantic exchange of telegrams between Rangoon and Whitehall in which the Governor offered various solutions to the prevailing deadlock , finally coming up with the unexpected suggestion that a new coalition ministry was possible with Paw Tun , the last premier of Burma before the invasion ; U Saw , his predecessor as premier , an unscrupulous schemer who had been interned for dealing with the Japanese ; and Aung San , previously portrayed by Dorman-Smith as a murderer and an enemy .
3 The petition had been listed for hearing by Mr Registrar Scott shortly after 11am .
4 William Reid , 31 , had been fired for protesting at a late lunch order from executives at the Daily Mirror 's London offices .
5 And Orlick had been arrested for breaking into Pumblechook 's house and stealing his money .
6 Earlier in Weston-Super-Mare Salvation Army leaders had been arrested for proceeding with a march contrary to a ban placed upon it by the local magistrates .
7 In Fennell a father sought to secure the release of his son who had been arrested for participating in an affray .
8 It agreed with the police that he had been arrested for cycling without due care and attention and that this had been sufficiently communicated to him .
9 He would never forget how Samuel Reichmann and his partner , Emmanuel Hollander , had been fined for trading with the Germans by the Jewish Court of Tangier , and how one or both of them were on the blacklist of the British Consulate .
10 US military officials said that only about 130 people remained in detention out of a total of 5,300 Panamanians who had been held for questioning since the invasion .
11 In the course of the hearings it emerged that a number of other former government officials had been paid for lobbying on housing developments .
12 The freeing of the five communists was more than balanced by the simultaneous release of four army colonels and 12 other officers who had been imprisoned for participating in coup attempts against the Aquino government .
13 Being based on characters which had been designed for incising in stone they were difficult and slow to write .
14 Plenty of that , no doubt , in this overgrown , untended woodland , even after it had been combed for firing by the urchins of the Foregate .
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