Example sentences of "had been [verb] out [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Jim had been blown out of this room as though he had never been .
2 I recently discovered that this consultation paper had been sent out to some environmental NGOs in England in March for comments by the end of April .
3 Looks as though it had been cut out for some reason .
4 The first Cistercians were men who sought to return to the simplicity of Benedict 's Rule and to its strict observance which they argued had been altered out of all recognition by the Cluniacs who spent much of the day in a long and elaborate round of services in choir .
5 Some professional groups , especially general practitioners , felt that they had been left out of this planning process .
6 Somebody asked , a bit hesitantly , how you would define the Dark Ireland , and Dorrainge , who felt he had been left out of this conversation for too long , said it was rather difficult .
7 Our solicitors had prepared the necessary ‘ instruments ’ , and all Karen and I had to do was ‘ execute ’ them , but when we emerged into the mild sunshine of Beaumont Street twenty minutes later , my life had been changed out of all recognition .
8 She had risen from the couch and was awaiting his approach , her consternation evident as if she had been caught out in some misbehaviour .
9 Confused , flushing as though she had been found out in some guilty action , Isabel tentatively let her fingers rest lightly on fitzAlan 's arm .
10 If he had been walking out with any other girl in service in the town they could have stayed in on a wet night and talked by the kitchen range , but with the Hogans hovering around he had to bring Patsy out into the rain .
11 Suzanne Gratton , 22 , of Warwick Close , Birkenhead , was accused after it was noticed that the licence on her car had been taken out for another vehicle .
12 A wheel designed just to go on turning , never stopping , so that for a hundred years with a hundred more to follow , she had been coming out of this cottage doorway , carrying her carpet-bag , filling her lungs with this damp , sooty air which had started to make Liam cough , reminding herself — as one simply had to do — to be thankful for such mercies as came her way , however small .
13 A complete set of drills had been worked out by this time with , for example , five phases in recovering a swimmer after his recce .
14 and a large reform had been carried out with little trouble .
15 We readily agreed that the conversion had been carried out with more imagination than we would have been able to bring to it , but could we afford it ?
16 After measurements had been carried out under each of these conditions , the metre rule was moved back towards the experimenter so that the subject could see his/her finger when pointing .
17 At the end of Chapter 3 it was pointed out that the 1960s had seen a series of reform proposals in British government and that by 1980 most of these had been carried out in some form though the question of devolution had still to be settled .
18 At the year end the combined membership reached 308 thus exceeding the magic 300 , yet the trading surplus was only £15 , with a mere £130 on capital account , although new greens at the 6th and 8th had been laid out at some cost .
19 Standing at the window in the small front lounge , where a buffet had been laid out for those guests arriving late , or for people who were still hungry , she saw Feargal accompany Phena , and the man who had been her constant companion at the wedding , walk down the path .
20 Moodie may have been a priest but in death his body had been laid out like some broken toy to lie on a shelf , the grimacing features half-hidden by a dirty cloth ; the eyes still open , sightless and empty .
21 I could not have cared if he had been lying out on those wild moors bleeding to death .
22 Six months before her overdose Liz terminated the relationship with her boyfriend of two years ' standing after she discovered he had been going out with another girl .
23 Too late now to withdraw this confession into privacy , even had that been the abbot 's inclination , for it had been spoken out before all the brothers , and as members of a body they had the right to share in the cure of all that here was curable .
24 All of us had been promoted out of any efficiency that we might have had .
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