Example sentences of "had been [verb] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ill-feeling between the government and opposition was so serious that the National Assembly had been paralysed since convening in June , following the March 1992 general election .
2 The Saudis confirmed on Feb. 17 that $3,500 million had been raised by borrowing from foreign banks , the first such resort to the international money market .
3 Meanwhile on Jan. 9 the Supreme Court ordered a retrial of 10 members of the opposition Liberia Unification Party who in October 1988 had been convicted of plotting against the Doe regime [ see p. 36610 ] .
4 The South Korean government announced an amnesty on Feb. 26 under which it would release 22 " leftists " , most of whom had been convicted of spying for North Korea , and 1,089 other prisoners .
5 Some of the new services permitted by the Act are simply those offered by many other financial intermediaries , requiring no especial change in the balance sheet but drawing upon societies ' general financial expertise which hitherto they had been prevented from using to its fullest extent .
6 ‘ Everyone will easily imagine ’ , wrote Cobbett whose ‘ crime ’ had been objecting to flogging in the army ,
7 He had been sentenced after going on a two-month crime spree .
8 James decided to concentrate his efforts on subduing Londonderry , but in the end had to ride back , damp and disappointed , to Dublin , where , on 26 April , as he wrote in his memoirs , ‘ he found the arms not arrived from Cork , Kinsale or Waterford ; and that in the arsenal nothing had been done for preparing of tools ’ .
9 It 's understood Mr Bryan had been thinking of returning to Painswick this weekend to escape the hoarde of newsmen beseigning him in London …
10 Round him , she was talkative in order to provoke him into replying , and the attempt made her a habitual confessor , though she would have been amazed if she had been charged with talking about herself all the time .
11 For example , the mobile meals services has its origin in the need to provide food to those whose homes had been destroyed by bombing during the war .
12 Rain said : ‘ You were told by Edouard that I had been tricked into going to the museum .
13 There followed a frantic exchange of telegrams between Rangoon and Whitehall in which the Governor offered various solutions to the prevailing deadlock , finally coming up with the unexpected suggestion that a new coalition ministry was possible with Paw Tun , the last premier of Burma before the invasion ; U Saw , his predecessor as premier , an unscrupulous schemer who had been interned for dealing with the Japanese ; and Aung San , previously portrayed by Dorman-Smith as a murderer and an enemy .
14 Auntie and friend had been saved by lying in the gutter outside with an eiderdown over their heads .
15 On 18 May the Schutzkorps had been moved from Viktring to a new camp near 5 Veit .
16 Born in Los Angeles , his father a film producer , he had been fascinated by flying from an early age , had taken his pilot 's licence even before going to West Point .
17 The petition had been listed for hearing by Mr Registrar Scott shortly after 11am .
18 On Jan. 27 Radio Rwanda reported that 120 rebels had been killed in fighting in the Kinigi region .
19 On the same day it was reported that 40 Liberian rebels and one Sierra Leonean soldier had been killed in fighting in southern Sierra Leone .
20 Mr Howell said no legal opinion had been sought before entering into the transactions , although a council memo suggested that visits should be made to other local authorities .
21 William Reid , 31 , had been fired for protesting at a late lunch order from executives at the Daily Mirror 's London offices .
22 And Orlick had been arrested for breaking into Pumblechook 's house and stealing his money .
23 Earlier in Weston-Super-Mare Salvation Army leaders had been arrested for proceeding with a march contrary to a ban placed upon it by the local magistrates .
24 In Fennell a father sought to secure the release of his son who had been arrested for participating in an affray .
25 It agreed with the police that he had been arrested for cycling without due care and attention and that this had been sufficiently communicated to him .
26 Tyminski declined to concede defeat immediately and claimed that people had been intimidated into voting for Walesa .
27 He would never forget how Samuel Reichmann and his partner , Emmanuel Hollander , had been fined for trading with the Germans by the Jewish Court of Tangier , and how one or both of them were on the blacklist of the British Consulate .
28 One organisation suggested , however , that — although no actual evictions had taken place — some people had been discouraged from going into homes because of the cost involved .
29 He had been exposed as a secret police informer under the ousted communist regime , although he insisted that his activities had been confined to reporting on foreign visitors to Sofia 's Natural History Museum ( where he had been a department head ) and on his visits abroad for scientific research ; he categorically denied that he had ever informed on dissidents .
30 Confusing the issue still further , a piece of metal had been found during cleaning with the number 42–106918 clearly written on it in pencil .
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