Example sentences of "had be [adv] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , if his ( undated ) grant to the abbey of Fécamp ( S 949 ) is genuine , one might suppose that he visited the Norman coast at some time , and his generosity to a foundation which had been particularly favoured by the ducal family ( in 1001 Richard II invited the celebrated monastic reformer William of Dijon to be its abbot ) seems most likely to mean that his relations with them were still satisfactory .
2 In 1972 the Criminal Law Revision Committee had been particularly exercised by the fear that silent suspects could ‘ ambush ’ the prosecution with evidence at their trial which they did not mention during questioning and which the police now had no time independently to verify .
3 A rudimentary system of land-use control had been partially developed by the outbreak of war .
4 An Australian Broadcasting Tribunal investigation into Mr Bond 's eligibility to own television stations declared him ‘ not fit and proper ’ and growing stock market unease was accentuated by the disclosure that Mr Bond was trying to sell Van Gogh 's Irises , for which he had paid a record $54million but which had been partially funded by the auctioneer .
5 Bankruptcy regulations , although an essential plank of reform policy , had been repeatedly rejected by the Supreme Soviet , largely because of the fear of mass unemployment .
6 In Cinnamond v. British Airports-Authority a number of minicab drivers had been repeatedly prosecuted by the B.A.A. for touting for passengers at the airport .
7 All eight had been detained since June [ see also p. 38312 ] and their release had been repeatedly demanded by the FIS as a precondition to FIS participation in the election .
8 Grunte , whose attention had been momentarily distracted by the sight of Amaranth on the front page , switched his attention back to the telephone .
9 Of course that had been mostly created by the lack of money , but the instability she saw in Joe was n't that kind of lack , it was something she could n't put her finger on .
10 Walden talked about the way in which Britain 's role had been artificially inflated by the cold war : ‘ What could be better calculated to raise the national spirits than a government holding the flag high in the face of the evils of communism , the murderous follies of buffoonish Argentinian generals , and the intrigues of the perfidious French ? ’
11 While in the United States in the 1890s he had been heavily influenced by the Populist and Democratic Parties ' assault on the Gold Standard .
12 This company , incidentally , had been strongly influenced by the Japanese way of doing things and had introduced just-in-time and kanban methods .
13 Callaghan 's secretive instincts had been strongly reinforced by the leaks which poured out of the Cabinet Room in the autumn of 1976 , the first of the two great crises of his premiership .
14 He displayed gratification through all the entertainments that took place during and after the feast , and took the floor with the rest during the slow , formal dancing , in which he had been well taught by the various females attracted to his brake and his burrow .
15 The Committee was satisfied that minor incidents of misconduct or defiance of the Chair had been well handled by the directors within the rules .
16 He did not believe the solution lay in bigger and bigger units : he had been immensely struck by the emphasis which Jim [ Callaghan ] laid on devolution in his paper .
17 This poverty was all the worse for the general affluence around it , and until now it had been little noticed by the majority .
18 The first was that such privileges could be secured only with the sanction of the other powers ; this had been clearly demonstrated by the Triple Intervention .
19 However , the highway-orientated designs of this manual , with their detrimental effect on pedestrian comfort and environmental attractiveness , had been clearly undermined by the success of the new integrated approaches to traffic in residential areas .
20 Casualties were reported in Grozny , the capital of the republic of Chechnia within the Russian Federation , on March 31 when forces loyal to President Dzhakhar Dudayev retook the broadcasting centre , which had been briefly captured by the opposition .
21 The SLA leader Ronnie Brunswijk had been briefly arrested by the army in March 1990 after his forces intercepted a large cocaine shipment in transit from Colombia .
22 The four parties — the Mongolian Democratic Party ( MDP ) , the Mongolian Party of National Progress ( MPNP ) , the Mongolian United Party ( MUP ) and the Party for Mongolian Renaissance ( PMR ) — had been easily defeated by the ruling MPRP in a general election held in June 1992 [ see p. 38962 ] .
23 The track had been extensively mined by the Italians and the captured German staff car ran over one , injuring Lieutenant Sutherland who had to be taken back to Siwa .
24 Official domestic media had maintained a virtual silence over Deng 's January tour of the Shenzhen and Zhuhai special economic zones ( SEZs ) in Guangdong province , which had been extensively reported by the Hong Kong press , both Beijing-controlled and independent .
25 Certain critics like Hourcade and Allard , who did not realize the importance of what Picasso and Braque were doing , continued to take a broad view of Cubism as simply a return to a more sober , classical form of art , and thus to include within the movement a large number of artists who were not strictly speaking Cubist but had been slightly influenced by the style .
26 This ploy had been completely forgotten by the patient until released along with the tension in the neck muscles by the cervical reintegration .
27 These risks had been previously rejected by the more experienced majors .
28 He went on to propose that he be allowed to recruit five men from each infantry and motorized battalion in the Middle East as had been previously agreed by the Adjutant General 's branch .
29 The ‘ new evidence ’ had been previously described by the French news magazine L'Express on 28 September .
30 Despite opposition protests , the law allowed members of the armed forces on active service to participate in political activity and prevented the Congress from passing laws affecting the military unless they had been previously approved by the executive .
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