Example sentences of "had [been] [prep] [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had been to Buckingham Palace for a Privy Council , and he was able to inform Asquith that the King still hoped for a solution without a change of Prime Minister .
2 I pointed out that I had not been to the polytechnic , but had been to Durham University on a scholarship — only the second the force had been awarded .
3 I had been to Mr Grover for a complete check-up .
4 And yet their brands were no different and no better than what could be bought here , because her father had been to Harrods store in London and had a contract with them , and they were very good to deal with , for they gave the lowest prices to orders from clubs , messes , hotels and buyers .
5 Of about 100 prisoners who had been on hunger strike since May 1 [ see p. 38179 ] protesting at the government 's alleged failure to free all political prisoners , 17 who were still fasting began accepting food in the days after Mandela appealed to them to abandon the fast , on June 6 .
6 There had been heated argument in the Supreme Soviet about the method of electing a President , and for over a week members of the opposition Democratic Party of Tadjikistan had been on hunger strike in support of popular elections .
7 Their anticipation had been at fever pitch for days .
8 The University of California at Santa Barbara first attempted to headhunt Prof Cheetham , who had been at Oxford University for 26 years , in 1989 .
9 Tracey Cole had been at Oxford University for just eight days when her body was found in her study bedroom at Oxford University .
10 Er , we had been at legislation inspection of becoming an , a costly service in terms of gross expenditure , and therefore we need to look for savings from those areas where we actually spend money , erm , and the belief was , the policy thought was that as our own homes were subject to our own direct management , to inspection by members , to both internal and external audits , erm , they were therefore better inspected than the independent sector , certainly more widely inspected , and therefore the least risk , in terms of any reduction on registration inspection would apply in that area .
11 Hugh was 62 years ' old and had been with Douglas Reyburn for 28 years .
12 They had been followed into the hall by the young man who had been with Dom João on the quay , and Sara felt that other eyes were watching from half-open doors .
13 In June 1939 , Mr. Sinclair was appointed Chief Engineer ( Trams & Trolleybuses ) on the retirement of Mr. Mason and J. H. Parker became Chief Electrical Engineer ; he had been with Croydon Corporation in 1915 .
14 On April 4 Bor , which had been under SPLA control since April 1989 , fell to a government force of some 2,000 men , which was armed with heavy artillery against the SPLA 's lighter arms .
15 Suu Kyi , secretary general of the opposition National League for Democracy ( NLD ) , had been under house arrest since July 1989 [ see p. 36816 ] .
16 This meant in effect that Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition leader who had been under house arrest since July 1989 , was removed as the party 's secretary general .
17 In April 1991 Aung San Suu Kyi , who had been under house arrest since July 1989 , had been effectively removed as NLD general secretary [ see p. 38151 ] .
18 During the following week over 30 political prisoners were reportedly released , including a number of bodyguards and assistants to Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition figure who had been under house arrest since July 1989 .
19 Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition figure who had been under house arrest since mid-1989 , was permitted a visit by her husband , Michael Aris , and two sons during May .
20 The resolution also called for the unconditional release of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi , who had been under house arrest since 1989 .
21 It was obvious that he had been under house arrest at some point in his life . ’
22 All this time , Lumumba had been under house arrest in Leopoldville .
23 Such an approach was repudiated by Harold Macmillan , the then Prime Minister , when we applied to join the Community , as it had been by Winston Churchill before that .
24 His wife , Marjorie , had been in Bunwell House at Cheltenham Ladies ' College , and she was no lady .
25 And then er a and then after they had been in hay ricks for a long time they were brought up to the farm and built into a bigger stack , a bigger thing .
26 Although the conclusions of the seven-year inquiry dismissed claims of active US complicity in Mengele 's escape , they acknowledged that Mengele had been in US custody for at least six weeks after the end of Second World War before being routinely released .
27 Public health officials did all in their power to stop the 1964 pie going ahead ; there was a typhoid epidemic in Aberdeen in the 1960 's and it was found that the last serious epidemic before that had been in Denby Dale in the 1930's , and the infection can linger for many years .
28 He had been in New Zealand in January last year for a holiday with relatives in Christchurch when the crime took place .
29 A few weeks before my talk at Wellesley College , I had been in New York at the invitation of Social Policy , a leftist magazine with a record of antipathy toward IQ testing and its social implications .
30 I stayed with Plowman , the Consul , and his wife : they had been in Addis Ababa for the coronation and had invited me to visit them at Harar .
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