Example sentences of "had [not/n't] [been] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Frodo indeed laughs himself : ‘ Such a sound had not been heard in those places since Sauron came to Middle-earth .
2 In a report to Cleveland 's health and safety committee , county safety adviser Peter Prunty admits : ‘ It would appear that the work that was being undertaken by Nacro had not been planned in sufficient detail to cover such occurrences . ’
3 If such an agreement had not been reached within 18 months , the government of Quebec would hold a referendum on the issue of independence .
4 On Aug. 27 ECOWAS officials met with Ulimo chairman Raleigh Seekie in Freetown , Sierra Leone , to persuade him to commit Ulimo , which had not been represented at earlier talks , to applying the peace accord and surrendering its weapons .
5 He was a very decent man but had not been blessed with all the faculties one would normally expect .
6 In legal terms it seemed that he was free to intervene ; his claim to exercise sovereignty in Aquitaine had not been renounced in 1360 .
7 Altogether she followed up 345 white American children who had been referred to the child guidance clinic for anti-social behaviour , 130 other referrals and 100 individuals who had attended neighbouring elementary schools who had not been referred for any specialist help , and who therefore provided a comparison group .
8 He then explained that William Tidbury could not be convicted of aiding and abetting because he had not been charged with that crime .
9 In a speech on July 5 President Banda had announced an intention to charge and try all detainees suspected of breaking the law , saying that a special tribunal headed by a High Court judge would be set up to hear appeals from any detainees who had not been charged with any offence .
10 It seemed a wise precaution to lunge him first , as he had not been ridden for three days , and this was accomplished in a corner of the field without either difficulties or a great deal of finesse .
11 In 1991 there were two new questions which had not been asked in previous Censuses ; one on limiting long-term illness and the other on ethnic origin .
12 Restlessly , she returned to the office , then recalled that the answering machine had not been checked for several hours .
13 Held , dismissing the appeal , that although an adult patient was entitled to refuse consent to treatment irrespective of the wisdom of his decision , for such a refusal to be effective his doctors had to be satisfied that at the time of his refusal his capacity to decide had not been diminished by illness or medication or by false assumptions or misinformation , that his will had not been overborne by another 's influence and that his decision had been directed to the situation in which it had become relevant ; that where a patient 's refusal was not effective the doctors were free to treat him in accordance with their clinical judgment of his best interests ; that in all the circumstances , including T. 's mental and physical state when she signed the form , the pressure exerted on her by her mother and the misleading response to her inquiry as to alternative treatment , her refusal was not effective and the doctors were justified in treating her on the principle of necessity ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's order had been properly made ( post , pp. 786G–H , 795B–F , 796F–H , 797B–F , 798A–B , E–G , 799B–G , H — 800B , E–G , 803C–D , F — 804B , F–G , H — 805B , F ) .
14 The Full Federal Court allowed the appeal on the ground that there had been no breach of natural justice as the respondents had been given a hearing and , in the opinion of one Judge , had not been deprived of any present benefit or advantage .
15 When it attempted to go-ahead with the purchase , Friends of the Earth launched a legal challenge , claiming that due notice had not been served on some of the owners .
16 The offence was alleged to have been committed in Perth on 4 February of last year but the defence counsel , Graham Bell , QC , pointed out that the complaint had not been served until 14 February this year .
17 But the kudu calf had not been fed with this potential source of infection , which was banned in June 1988 .
18 A misunderstanding then seems to have occurred with Fimbra writing to its members last week saying that its scheme had not been altered in any way and that members could not renew existing policies if the renewal date was after 1990 .
19 However , the " sombre professionalism " or intellectual self-sufficiency of inter-war English studies had not been achieved without some breakdown of mutual comprehension within the discipline itself .
20 On Nov. 27 the Supreme Court had issued a ruling declaring all the decisions of the National Assembly since Sept. 2 null and void , as a quorum of members had not been achieved on that date .
21 By the end of the text the reader feels sympathetic towards Lady Macbeth because she realises that no good will emerge where ambition had not been achieved by good fortune and ‘ borrowed robes ’ all too often do n't fit .
22 Makarenko made the important deduction that as the theories discarded at the Revolution had not been replaced by precise new ones , the abstract and muddled notions of officials like the education inspector were no substitute for practical self-help .
23 It has also been remarkable , in the past few weeks , that people who had not been born in 1953 have been conspicuous at the anniversary celebrations .
24 This report was criticised because of the small number of patients studied and because patients had not been stabilised on each insulin before acute hypoglycaemia was induced .
25 My bicycle was there , and it had not been damaged at all .
26 A heating expert said the boiler had not been serviced for twenty five years , and the flue was blocked .
27 Up-to-date valuations of such properties had not been undertaken for many years previously , partly because of business people 's complaints that any revaluations of commercial properties could inevitably lead to an increase in their total tax bill .
28 In the analysis of linguistic variation , therefore , we were looking for fine details of variation-variation that shows internal patterning within the speech community , but which may have no social meaning for outsiders — and in the first application for funding it was specified that the research was intended to extend the quantitative methodology to a type of community that had not been studied in this way before .
29 The Collector felt no confidence at all that her child had not been made in vain .
30 It was later revealed that Ramos had not been consulted over either of the decisions , both of which he later reversed .
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