Example sentences of "had [not/n't] [been] [adv] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The population of this district had not been previously deeply dissatisfied ; but it was natural that they should wish well to people of their own class , supposed to be fighting for higher wages ; and they presently heard with truth that several employers hereabouts had begun to promise higher payments under the dread of seeing the population armed against them . ’
2 As I recall , he had not been initially so preoccupied with the peace treaty when it was drawn up at the end of the Great War , and I think it is fair to say that his interest was prompted not so much by an analysis of the treaty , but by his friendship with Herr Karl-Heinz Bremann .
3 ‘ They had not been there very long and had just come out of a restaurant , ’ said Mr Robinson .
4 It did not only transform the political and military map : by the destruction which it wrought , unparalleled in previous human history in its scale , it hurled a black question mark against the confidence in the onward and upward progress of Christian civilisation which had so strongly characterised Liberal Theology , and forced the bitter question whether the advanced theological thought of the nineteenth century as a whole had not been far too unaware of the darker side of human nature , too optimistic about innate human capacity for good , too willing to take contemporary culture at its own high evaluation of itself , and overall too disposed to take God for granted , and to assume that he was somehow simply ‘ given ’ in what it regarded as the highest ethical , spiritual and religious values of mankind .
5 If these social problems had not been so evidently worrying , it is highly unlikely that the active citizen would ever have been heard about .
6 And on the bus to Victoria she began to wish she had not been quite so rash in offering to visit John .
7 They were quite convinced that if Jeopardy had not been quite so stunning to look at , most people would not like him at all because he was arrogant and cold .
8 Greatly to her relief , the first visit of the little girls to the hospital to see their parents had n't been nearly as traumatic as Laura had feared .
9 I explained that I had n't been around as much as usual lately because I was pissed off with the way some people were behaving .
10 It would n't have happened if Angie had n't been around as well , to keep his morale high and encourage him .
11 One-Dimensional Chess had n't been all that difficult once they worked out the rules , and now their first answer was being carried or transmitted or processed-whatever-by the small attendant with the little red boots .
12 That would have been comical if it had n't been so downright offensive .
13 But it had n't been so very red , more a reddish brown .
14 The very notion of becoming friendly with this arrogant , pig-headed latter-day Viking would have made her laugh if the situation had n't been so horribly unfunny .
15 In fact , my recent diet had n't been quite so reckless .
16 Surely he had n't been quite so irritating as a watchkeeping officer in the Lanark ?
17 And Shelley lay back that night , watching the fan sway round and round above her , and wishing that Rosie 's certainty had n't been quite so fervent .
18 Not noticing the church had n't been quite as crass as he 'd feared , because whatever else the bomb had done , it had blown the church apart .
19 Mildred , however , had been given a rather dim-witted tabby because there had n't been quite enough black ones to go round .
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