Example sentences of "had [adv] [vb pp] [adv] to a " in BNC.

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1 SHe had eventually given in to a desire to seek Tammuz out , even though SHe already recognised the signs which meant he wanted to be left alone .
2 Anne had already trimmed down to a reasonable weight with the help of Weight Watchers , and she pleaded for new ideas to strengthen her resolve .
3 That afternoon , hearing him talk about his sister , then lying beneath the trees with him , she had really thought she had finally broken through to a real live human being beneath the glacial exterior .
4 Then the minister deigned to appear and defended himself by saying he had once come out to a stranger who called , but the man proved to be ‘ a little worth person ’ .
5 G-7 leaders had reportedly reacted frostily to a pre-summit message from Gorbachev outlining a programme of reform , including minor privatization and the conversion of military plants to peaceful commercial use , in return for large-scale financial assistance involving debt relief and Western investment .
6 Borja had earlier responded positively to a letter of Nov. 24 from Fujimori proposing a " friendship , co-operation and integration " pact under the 1942 Rio de Janeiro protocol whose validity Ecuador refused to acknowledge .
7 He had recently moved out to a house in the suburbs , and he sublet the house to us for the remaining three months on his lease .
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