Example sentences of "had [vb pp] to [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Addressing the Boys ' Brigade that very Sunday , the Rev. Johnston McKay told them of the lady who , surprised by the sum raised for the clock she had given to be sold for church funds , exclaimed that she did not know she had so much to give .
2 It was only a week since , in this very room , she had wished to be rid of Gareth Davis ; now he was dead .
3 Alexei had expected to be seated beside Tulagai and Targoutai , the half-brothers of Nogai and T'zin , but instead he had been led to this place beside Siban .
4 Coming as I did directly from higher education , I had expected to be treated as an adult and be allowed to explore my own educational needs during my three year RGN training , undertaken a few years ago .
5 Zoe had expected to be put in charge of the baby .
6 However , neither of us had expected to be arrested for behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace ’ if we attempted to get on the water above the falls ; we 'd blown it !
7 The fact that she had expected to be cosseted by the subjects of her own journalistic attentions in the past had made her no warier of the reporters she was inviting .
8 Its essential features had few clear and unqualified expressions , but it was a civilization which had come to be distinguished from others by the emphasis it placed on the individual , by its increasing separation of social and political institutions , by its material wellbeing , and by its growing rationality .
9 For them the extent of the new prosperity may be doubted , although their relationships with their masters had come to be based on the basis of cash rather than service .
10 She had come to be seen as an electoral liability .
11 It also , however , had come to be seen as a cause of public concern .
12 Distinct class variations could be observed , and from the mid-nineteenth century the existence of some form of class differentiation in family size had come to be accepted by most writers on the subject ; by the census of 1911 the difference in the fertility of certain groups was clearly marked .
13 He evidently resented the fact that the name ‘ diesel ’ had come to be applied to virtually every type of oil engine , hot-bulb ( ignition ) as well as compression-ignition , and in 1923 he asked the Institution to declare that henceforth the word ‘ diesel ’ should only be used to describe oil engines operating on the compression-ignition principle , hot-bulb engines to be known as ‘ akroyds ’ .
14 When he retired he had come to be regarded as the founder of modern veterinary research .
15 In the nineteenth century music had come to be regarded as queen of the arts because of its non-imitative qualities , and throughout the Cubist period musical analogies become increasingly frequent .
16 On the assumption that neither Hezarfen on the one hand nor Ali and Kocu Bey on the other is simply in error , one can perhaps reconcile these two apparently contradictory statements on the grounds either that it was only in the technical matter of the that Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa continued to be regarded as 300-akce kadiliks , their holders actually being given 500 akce a day ; or that , while still being paid only 300 akce a day , they had come to be regarded as 500-akce mevleviyets from the hierarchical point of view , for the obvious reason that they were in fact higher in rank than any of the other kadiliks .
17 It also led to a fundamental questioning of the whole basis of the Keynesian model of which , since 1958 , the Phillips curve had come to be regarded as an indispensable part .
18 One of the after-dinner speakers said the day had come to be regarded by tradesmen as the holiday of the year .
19 ‘ Little Willy ’ , as he had come to be nicknamed in Britain , was probably one of the most maligned figures of the whole war .
20 The high moral principle , to use his own phrase , of mid-Victorian muscular Christianity , may well have seemed to the agnosticism of early twentieth-century scientific certainty an insubstantial basis for the development of Co-operation ; and , as a derivative from the French , from the advocacy by Louis Blanc and Buchez of self-governing Producers ' Associations formed by workmen and operating through ‘ National Workshops ’ , the concept was not only at odds with but alien to that of the British Movement which had come to be dominated by the Consumer Movement .
21 As a result , the key to the meaning of Jesus had come to be looked for , not in supernatural accreditation by miracles , but in his personality , his consciousness of God , his teaching and his impact upon his followers .
22 The long-term result of this statute was that practically all land held by free tenure had come to be held of the King .
23 By the time Kádár resigned in 1988 , he had come to be thought of as a kind of benign pragmatist , who had done what he could in difficult circumstances .
24 He subsequently conceded that the views of English formed in the course of his own education at Edinburgh and Oxford had come to be modified in terms of " Cambridge " notions .
25 If Marx were right — that colonialism enslaved the colonizing power — then the slaves had come to be loaded with even heavier chains .
26 The occasion of Macleod 's fury was the process by which Lord Home had come to be chosen as Leader of the party and thereby Prime Minister in succession to Harold Macmillan .
27 This further sharp decline in profitability , following on that of earlier years , and taking profits to levels well below those which had come to be expected during the boom , is the key to the sustained sluggishness of accumulation in the latter half of the 1970s and the early 1980s .
28 Limping awkwardly to the window , he watched Tom fight his way through the snow in the farmyard , and he thought of how close he and Carrie had come to being caught in bed together .
29 In an age when avoiding the point had grown to be associated with Modernism and was ceasing to look like an amusing trick , realism looked courageous , unblinking and unbowdlerising .
30 Luckily for him they had decided to be married in Cork before going out to Palestine .
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