Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [conj] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was more scratched than she had realised and it felt as if every small insect in the wood had landed in her hair .
2 More than half thought the school had explained but it seemed to be in the past , a one-off opportunity and not an on-going process .
3 He 'd caught a glimpse of the two of them reflected in the hall mirror and his heart had lurched because it looked as if he was propping up a corpse .
4 Opponents of the bill had argued that it amounted to " retroactive justice " by declaring illegal acts committed in another country and allowing the prosecution of people for offences committed before they became British citizens or residents .
5 Residents in nearby villages had watched as it plummeted to the ground , frighteningly near their homes .
6 Johnson also read a little — in his room he had works by his erstwhile host Lord Monboddo , and Laurence Sterne 's Sermons of Mr Yorick ( interestingly , Boswell does not give the full title , merely calling it Sermons , a deference perhaps to the scandal the book had caused when it appeared in 1760 ) .
7 Cardinal Tisserant suddenly announced that further voting on religious liberty would be postponed until the next session , claiming the document now before the Council was so different from what had gone before it needed to be debated all over again .
8 She said Thresher was aware of the receipt for £18.37 and had established that it belonged to another customer .
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