Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [adv] over [art] year " in BNC.

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1 The night before , Kalchu and Sigarup went to the shrine , lit the oil lamp and tied two strips of new cloth — one red , one white — on to the rafters among the hundreds of old and blackened ones that had gathered there over the years .
2 Channel shares had varied somewhat over the years , quite apart from the changes caused by the introduction of BBC2 and Channel 4 ( Table 6.18 ) .
3 Manpower had come down over the years from 470,000 in 1960 to 215,000 twenty years later , but the business was still over-staffed .
4 She had given up counting the number of marriage proposals she had turned down over the years .
5 Jesus chucked out the rubbish from the temple and swept away some of the traditions that had grown up over the years , insisting that his house become again a house of prayer for all nations .
6 The catalogue of hurts which had built up over the years was considerable .
7 It was small and poky , the carpet stank of sweat from all the bands that had rehearsed there over the years , the floor was rotten and covered with fungus More unpleasant smells came from the toilet that did n't work and the leaking skylight which let in so much rain the whole place was always damp .
8 He had fought hard over the year of her suspension to have her case dealt with speedily , and to get at the truth behind the allegations .
9 But with Karen such frankness was out of the question , and without her cooperation , getting rid of Dennis looked like just another of the many pipe-dreams I had indulged in over the years .
10 Security had changed drastically over the years .
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