Example sentences of "had [prep] be [adj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Both she and Ace had kept their inevitable contact strictly business ; in fact she had to be impressed with his total single-mindedness with his job , finding in his perfectionist attitude an answering chord within herself .
2 This had to be one of them .
3 As I saw things — still see things — the thief had to be one of you here , one of the touring party , including your courier ’ ( heads swivelling again ) ‘ or one of the staff at The Randolph .
4 ‘ Everything we bought had to be practical for our flat ; light and easy to move around .
5 ‘ I never wanted to leave Wigan — it would have been a downward step — but at the same time it had to be right for me .
6 After all , Luke was still something of an unknown quantity , and she had to be sure of her ground when the right moment came , otherwise he would annihilate her .
7 The exiled oppressor of her people had to die , and she had to be sure of it .
8 But to make certain that MacDonald would be chosen , he had to be sure of his own party and the Liberals .
9 The opportunities for social advance were there for all to grasp , but in practice most had to be content with their station in life .
10 Apart from that , Barbara had to be content with what happened on almost every Saturday night of their life together .
11 and you had to be nice to everybody do n't you ?
12 Painted straight onto the walls , this commission took far more of the artist 's time than he had bargained for , and Lutyens had to be firm with his friend to make him finish it .
13 ‘ We had to be upfront about our technical back-up .
14 The caddie also had to be fastidious with his player 's equipment , providing clean clubs and balls .
15 It announced that , if doctrine as opposed to Bible stories was to be a part of school education , then such religious education could not adopt a common denominator approach between the churches , but had to be total in its presentation of what the Roman catholic church considered to be the truth , otherwise such an approach would be ‘ dangerous ’ for the children ( Gaine 1968 : 164 ) .
16 Fortunately it became necessary for me to accompany the well-known Solveig 's Song on a dulcitone , which meant that I had to be close beside her in the wings .
17 This stipulated that products had to be fit for their purpose and meet standards of appearance and finish being free from minor defects as well as safe and durable .
18 Ah but I believed if I 'm going to discuss or argue about anything as regarding that I had to be interested in it .
19 ‘ I was suffering from a virus and was n't really fit , so all things considered I had to be happy with my performance , ’ he said .
20 On the one hand we could insist that the creatures had to be conscious of their goals ; that the salmon , for example , smells its home stream .
21 And then you had to be quick at it you know .
22 Those on short journeys had to be quick about it .
23 I mean , I had to be frank with her .
24 By 0930 they were all in their coaches for the long journey back to Brighton , for that evening they all became civilians again and had to be ready for their ordinary jobs on Monday .
25 He hated me because he had to be ashamed of me .
26 She had to be strict with herself : ruthless .
27 You had to be careful with it , so the outfields were rougher and dryer .
28 So you had to be careful of him .
29 They used to cost about two hundred pounds in those days and that was a heck of a sum in those days you know that sort of thing , how much they cost and had to be careful of them and all that .
30 One just had to be manly about it .
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