Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [was/were] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Helped by eminent scientists , Bate worked continually to improve the hydrometers and his skills were acknowledged when he was asked to make the models for the new standard weights and measures of capacity enacted by Parliament in 1825 to replace existing ancient local measures .
2 Nurseryman Mr Bootman , now recovering at his Grosvenor House Court home , Mildenhall , said it was first feared his legs were broken but they were in fact just badly bruised .
3 She stared at him for a long moment wondering if in her indignation she had hurt his feelings , but his eyes were narrowed and she could not read his expression .
4 His eyes were closed and he did not move when they reached him .
5 His eyes were closed and he looked completely at ease .
6 In the emergency room he appeared deeply comatose : his eyes were closed and he did not react to noxious stimuli .
7 His eyes were closed and his expression blank .
8 His eyes were closed and his face was a terrible colour .
9 His eyes were closed and his breathing noisy .
10 His eyes were closed and his mind was elsewhere .
11 His eyes were closed as he perceived pleasure from all of his senses , except that of sight .
12 Even with his body almost destroyed he had to continue until his life-functions were terminated or his mission was carried out .
13 Like a moon , too , his cheeks were cratered where his helmet had been riven during some fierce engagement , and those craters were scarred by subsequent duelling nicks .
14 It came up on his elbows and all , and his trousers were covered and there 's bloody jam , er this concoction !
15 For his contempt in abetting such an action his temporalities were distrained until he did prefer the royal clerk — such a humiliation that it was said to have occasioned his death .
16 His fears were fuelled when he saw the others gathered there .
17 His ambitions were fulfilled as he rightly claimed that his cars won more races than any other model .
18 After leaving the British Army Medical Services , frustrated by the opposition of professional soldiers , he had created a research laboratory and clinic at St. Mary 's Hospital where his theories were developed and his own authority was not to be questioned .
19 His buttocks were clenched as he moved towards her .
20 I could tell he was angry because he was red in the face and his fists were clenched and he was swearing like a trooper .
21 Moments later his suspicions were confirmed as it gradually slid open .
22 His injuries were incurred when he struck the gully wall , head-first , at considerable speed .
23 His musings were interrupted as he reached the latrine .
24 Mike saw a fleeting guilty look in Adam 's eyes before his lids were lowered and his attention seemingly focused again on his gold lighter .
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